Boo Edgar

Showing 12 publications


Scenario Planning - The future now

Boo Edgar, Sverker Alänge
Chapter 6 in Alänge, Sverker & Lundqvist, Mats eds. (2013) Sustainable Business Development: Frameworks for Idea Evaluation and Cases of Realized Ideas, Chalmers University Press, Gothenburg, p. 66-82
Book chapter

Using Scenario Planning in Regional Development Context: The Challenges and Opportunities

Boo Edgar, A Abouzeedan, Thomas Hedner et al
World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development. Vol. 10 (2), p. 103-122
Journal article

[Major changes in the global pharmaceutical industry].

Thomas Hedner, Tobias Thornblad, Boo Edgar et al
Läkartidningen. Vol. 109 (7), p. 324-5
Magazine article

Framing the claim

Boo Edgar
Sustainable Business Development, p. 58-67
Book chapter

Scenario planning

Sverker Alänge, Boo Edgar
Edited book

Bringing innovative research to innovations –Ten year experience of education based pre-incubation;

Boo Edgar, Mats Lundqvist, jonas berggren
Medicin teknik dagarna i Göteborg, 14-15 October 2008, p. 95-
Paper in proceeding

Private public partnership and potential conflicts of interest

Boo Edgar
Proceedings from Business and bioethics, Nordic Committee on Bioethics Malmö October 15-16th 2006, Nordic council, Tema Nord 2008. Vol. 570, p. 139-146
Magazine article

Increasing the utility of university based bioscience research – trends in Norway and Sweden.

Boo Edgar, Mats Lundqvist
Bioforum Europe. Vol. 5, p. 22-25
Magazine article

Increasing the utility of university based bioscience research - trends in Norway and Sweden

Boo Edgar, Mats Lundqvist
BioForum Europe 5/2005
Magazine article

The use of Human stem cells for therapeutic and other applications

Boo Edgar, Christina Bergh, Charles Hansson
The 8th seminar of CNECV, Lisbon December 2004, p. 71-83
Magazine article

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