Edvin Blomstrand

Showing 7 publications


Antibacterial and Hemolytic Activity of Antimicrobial Hydrogels Utilizing Immobilized Antimicrobial Peptides

Edvin Blomstrand, Elin Posch, Annija Stepulane et al
Journal article

Clinical investigation of use of an antimicrobial peptide hydrogel wound dressing on intact skin

Edvin Blomstrand, Saba Atefyekta, Anand Kumar Rajasekharan et al
Journal of Wound Care. Vol. 32 (6), p. 368-375
Journal article

Cross-linked lyotropic liquid crystal particles functionalized with antimicrobial peptides

Edvin Blomstrand, Anand Kumar Rajasekharan, Saba Atefyekta et al
International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Vol. 627
Journal article

Antimicrobial Peptide-Functionalized Mesoporous Hydrogels

Saba Atefyekta, Edvin Blomstrand, Anand Kumar Rajasekharan et al
ACS Biomaterial Science and Engineering. Vol. 7 (4), p. 1693-1702
Journal article

Tough Ordered Mesoporous Elastomeric Biomaterials Formed at Ambient Conditions

Anand Kumar Rajasekharan, Christoffer Gyllensten, Edvin Blomstrand et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 14 (1), p. 241-254
Journal article

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