Johan Eriksson Limminger

Postdoc at Energy and Material image

Showing 8 publications


Formation of pure zirconium islands inside c-component loops in high-burnup fuel cladding

David Mayweg, Johan Eriksson, Mohammad Sattari et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 597
Journal article

Limits of hydrogen analysis by atom probe tomography targeting Zr(Fe,Cr)<inf>2</inf> second phase particles in Zr-based fuel cladding from reactor operation

David Mayweg, Johan Eriksson Limminger, Mohammad Sattari et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 601
Journal article

Focused Ion Beam induced hydride formation does not affect Fe, Ni, Cr-clusters in irradiated Zircaloy-2

David Mayweg, Johan Eriksson, Olof Bäcke et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 581
Journal article

Solute Concentrations in the Matrix of Zirconium Alloys Studied by Atom Probe Tomography

Johan Eriksson, David Mayweg, Gustav Sundell et al
ASTM Special Technical Publication. Vol. STP 1645, p. 149-172
Paper in proceeding

Nanoscale chemistry of Zircaloy-2 exposed to three and nine annual cycles of boiling water reactor operation — an atom probe tomography study

Johan Eriksson, Gustav Sundell, Pia Tejland et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 561
Journal article

An atom probe tomography study of the chemistry of radiation-induced dislocation loops in Zircaloy-2 exposed to boiling water reactor operation

Johan Eriksson, Gustav Sundell, Pia Tejland et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 550
Journal article

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