Job van Eldijk

Visiting Researcher at Urban Design and Planning image

Showing 7 publications


How transport infrastructures become personal, social, ecological, and land use boundaries

Job van Eldijk, Paulo Anciaes
Physical and Symbolic Borders and Boundaries and How They Unfold in Space, p. 193-211
Book chapter

How transport infrastructures become personal, social, ecological, and land use boundaries

Job van Eldijk, Paulo Anciaes
Physical and Symbolic Borders and Boundaries and How They Unfold in Space, p. 193-211
Book chapter

From trench war to dialogue: An action-research study of the assessment of barrier effects in a transport infrastructure project

Job van Eldijk, Anna Lundberg
Case Studies on Transport Policy. Vol. 14, p. 1-13
Journal article

Disentangling barrier effects of transport infrastructure: synthesising research for the practice of impact assessment

Job van Eldijk, Jorge Gil, Lars Marcus
European Transport Research Review. Vol. 14 (1)
Journal article

Missing links – Quantifying barrier effects of transport infrastructure on local accessibility

Job van Eldijk, Jorge Gil, Natalia Kuska et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 85
Journal article

The wrong side of the tracks: quantifying barrier effects of transport infrastructure on local accessibility

Job van Eldijk
Transportation Research Procedia. Vol. 42, p. 44-52
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Quantification of barrier effects of transport infrastructure

Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Jorge Gil Urban Design and Planning
Job van Eldijk Urban Design and Planning
Ramböll AB
Swedish Transport Administration
Centre for Management of the Built Environment (CMB)

5 publications exist
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