Rudolf Kopecky

Showing 11 publications


Computational methods for modeling of complex sources

Markus Johansson, Lovisa Nord, Rudolf Kopecky et al
COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Vol. 27 (1)
Journal article

Dosimetry of Local Radio Frequency Exposure

Rudolf Kopecky
Doctoral thesis

Modeling of complex sources for dosimetry applications

Markus Johansson, Lovisa Nord, Andreas Fhager et al
Medicinteknikdagarna 2006, Uppsala, Sweden
Conference poster

Near Field Modeling of Complex Sources

Lovisa Nord, Markus Johansson, Andreas Fhager et al
Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) 28th Annual Meeting, June 11-15, 2006, Cancun, Mexico
Conference poster

Study of absorption in the inner ear and the vestibulo-cochlear nerve from mobile phone exposure

Rudolf Kopecky, Henry Nellström, Mikael Persson
EMBEC 2005, Prague, Czech Republic
Other conference contribution

Study of subgridding in SAR Computation for the Cochlea

Rudolf Kopecky, Yngve Hamnerius, Mikael Persson
Bioelectromagnetics. Vol. 26 (6), p. 520-522
Journal article

Imaging of metal prosteses in the human body experiments and simulations

Parham Hashemzadeh, Andreas Fhager, Rudolf Kopecky et al
RVK 05, Linköping, Sweden, 2005
Other conference contribution

Specific absorption rate in the inner ear and the vestibulo-cochlear nerve from mobile phone exposure

Rudolf Kopecky, Henry Nellström, Mikael Persson
Proceedings of RadioVetenskap och Kommunikation 2005, Linköping, Sweden
Other conference contribution

Modelling of Mobile Phone Exposure to the Human Head

Rudolf Kopecky, Mikael Persson
EMB 04 Computational Electromagnetics - Methods and Applications, Göteborg, Sweden, 2004
Other conference contribution

Convergence study of the SAR in the inner ear exposed to mobile phone radiation using subgridding method

Rudolf Kopecky, Henry Nellström, Yngve Hamnerius et al
Institute of Physics Meeting RF Interactions with Humans: Mechanism, Exposure and Medical Applications, London, UK, Feb. 27-28, 2003
Paper in proceeding

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