Elias Kassa

Showing 15 publications


Simulation of wheel-rail contact and damage in switches & crossings

Anders Johansson, Björn Pålsson, Magnus Ekh et al
Wear. Vol. 271 (1-2), p. 472-481
Journal article

Geometry and stiffness optimization for switches and crossings, and simulation of material degradation

D. Nicklisch, Elias Kassa, Jens Nielsen et al
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. Vol. 224 (F4), p. 279-292
Journal article

Simulation of wheel-rail contact and damage in switches & crossings

Anders Johansson, Björn Pålsson, Magnus Ekh et al
8th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, 15th-18th September, Firenze, Italy, p. 987-996
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic train–turnout interaction in an extended frequency range using a detailed model of track dynamics

Elias Kassa, Jens Nielsen
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 320 (4-5), p. 893-914
Journal article

Dynamic interaction between train and turnout - full-scale field test and validation of simulation models

Elias Kassa, Jens Nielsen
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 46 (S1 & 2), p. 521-534
Journal article

Assessment of methods for calculating contact pressure in wheel-rail/switch contact

Martina Wiest, Elias Kassa, Werner Daves et al
Wear. Vol. 265, p. 1439-1445
Journal article

Stochastic analysis of dynamic interaction between train and turnout

Elias Kassa, Jens Nielsen
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 46, p. 429-449
Journal article

Dynamic interaction between train and railway turnout – full-scale field test and validation of simulation models

Elias Kassa, Jens Nielsen
Proceedings 20th International Symposium: Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, Berkeley, CA, USA, p. 16-
Paper in proceeding

Simulation of dynamic interaction between train and railway turnout

Elias Kassa, Clas Andersson, Jens Nielsen
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 44 (3), p. 247-258
Journal article

Assessment of methods for calculating contact pressure in wheel–rail/switch contact

Martina Wiest, Elias Kassa, Werner Daves et al
Proceedings 7th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems (CM2006), Brisbane, Australia, p. 501-508
Paper in proceeding

Simulation of train-turnout interaction and plastic deformation of rail profiles

Elias Kassa, Göran Johansson
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 44 (1), p. 349 - 359
Paper in proceeding

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