Erlendur Jonsson

Showing 20 publications


Stabilisation of the superoxide anion in bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide (FSI) ionic liquid by small chain length phosphonium cations: Voltammetric, DFT modelling and spectroscopic perspectives

Laura Garcia-Quintana, Erlendur Jonsson, Ruhamah Yunis et al
Electrochemistry Communications. Vol. 127
Journal article

Blurring the boundary between homogenous and heterogeneous catalysis using palladium nanoclusters with dynamic surfaces

Israel Cano, Andreas Weilhard, Carmen Martin et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 12 (1)
Journal article

In situ NMR metrology reveals reaction mechanisms in redox flow batteries

Evan Wenbo Zhao, Tao Liu, Erlendur Jonsson et al
Nature. Vol. 579 (7798), p. 224-228
Journal article

Towards standard electrolytes for sodium-ion batteries: physical properties, ion solvation and ion-pairing in alkyl carbonate solvents

Damien Monti, Erlendur Jonsson, Andrea Boschin et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 22 (39), p. 22768-22777
Journal article

Ionic liquids as electrolytes for energy storage applications – A modelling perspective

Erlendur Jonsson
Energy Storage Materials. Vol. 25, p. 827-835
Review article

Toward Reversible and Moisture-Tolerant Aprotic Lithium-Air Batteries

Israel Temprano, Tao Liu, Enrico Petrucco et al
Joule. Vol. 4 (11), p. 2501-2520
Journal article

Understanding LiOH Formation in a Li-O2 Battery with LiI and H2O Additives

Tao Liu, Gunwoo Kim, Erlendur Jonsson et al
ACS Catalysis. Vol. 9 (1), p. 66-77
Journal article

Natural abundance solid-state S-33 NMR study of NbS3: applications for battery conversion electrodes

David M. Halat, Sylvia Britto, Kent J. Griffith et al
Chemical Communications. Vol. 55 (84), p. 12687-12690
Journal article

Understanding Fluoroethylene Carbonate and Vinylene Carbonate Based Electrolytes for Si Anodes in Lithium Ion Batteries with NMR Spectroscopy

Yanting Jin, Nis Julian H. Kneusels, Lauren E. Marbella et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 140 (31), p. 9854-9867
Journal article

Anions and Derived Salts with High Dissociation in Non-Protogenic Solvents

Erlendur Jonsson, Michel Armand, Patrik Johansson

Electrochemical oxidation stability of anions for modern battery electrolytes: a CBS and DFT study

Erlendur Jonsson, Patrik Johansson
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 17 (5), p. 3697-3703
Journal article

Ionic liquid based electrolytes for sodium-ion batteries: Na+ solvation and ionic conductivity

Damien Monti, Erlendur Jonsson, M. R. Palacin et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 245, p. 630-636
Journal article

Solvate Structures and Computational/Spectroscopic Characterization of LiBF4 Electrolytes

D. M. Seo, P. D. Boyle, J. L. Allen et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 118 (32), p. 18377-18386
Journal article

Solvate Structures and Computational/Spectroscopic Characterization of Lithium Difluoro(oxalato)borate (LiDFOB) Electrolytes

S. D. Han, J. L. Allen, Erlendur Jonsson et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 117 (11), p. 5521-5531
Journal article

Novel pseudo-delocalized anions for lithium battery electrolytes

Erlendur Jonsson, M. Armand, Patrik Johansson
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 14 (17), p. 6021-6025
Journal article

Novel Lithium Imides; Effects of -F, -CF(3), and -C N Substituents on Lithium Battery Salt Stability and Dissociation

Johan Scheers, Erlendur Jonsson, Per Jacobsson et al
Electrochemistry. Vol. 80 (1), p. 18-25
Journal article

Modern battery electrolytes: Ion-ion interactions in Li+/Na+ conductors from DFT calculations

Erlendur Jonsson, Patrik Johansson
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 14 (30), p. 10774-10779
Journal article

Modelling of alkali-ion battery electrolytes

Erlendur Jonsson
Licentiate thesis

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Showing 1 research projects


The solid electrolyte interphase of sodium-ion batteries

Patrik Johansson Condensed Matter Physics
Erlendur Jonsson Condensed Matter Physics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

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