Erlendur Jonsson
Showing 20 publications
In situ NMR metrology reveals reaction mechanisms in redox flow batteries
Ionic liquids as electrolytes for energy storage applications – A modelling perspective
Toward Reversible and Moisture-Tolerant Aprotic Lithium-Air Batteries
Understanding LiOH Formation in a Li-O2 Battery with LiI and H2O Additives
Natural abundance solid-state S-33 NMR study of NbS3: applications for battery conversion electrodes
Anions and Derived Salts with High Dissociation in Non-Protogenic Solvents
Electrochemical oxidation stability of anions for modern battery electrolytes: a CBS and DFT study
Ionic liquid based electrolytes for sodium-ion batteries: Na+ solvation and ionic conductivity
Solvate Structures and Computational/Spectroscopic Characterization of LiBF4 Electrolytes
Ab initio modelling of alkali-ion battery electrolyte properties
Novel pseudo-delocalized anions for lithium battery electrolytes
Anions and Derived Salts with High Dissociation in Non-Protogenic Solvents
Modern battery electrolytes: Ion-ion interactions in Li+/Na+ conductors from DFT calculations
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Showing 1 research projects
The solid electrolyte interphase of sodium-ion batteries