Maurizio Furlani
Showing 34 publications
Highly Crystalline and Stoichiometric Growth of CdTe by Cost-Effective Hydrothermal Technique
Investigation of electrodeposited CdTe thin films for solar cell development
Novel photo-voltaic device based on Bi_{1−x}La_xFeO_3 perovskite films with higher efficiency
Efficiency of 10 % for quasi-solid state dye-sensitized solar cells under low light irradiance
Quasi solid state polymer electrolyte with binary iodide salts for photo-electrochemical solar cells
Annealing protocols for pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide type ionic liquids
Concentration dependence of ionic relaxation in lithium doped polymer electrolytes
Dielectric and thermal properties of ionic liquids for lithium-ion battery electrolytes
Resolving distribution of relaxation times in poly(propylene glycol)
Proton-conducting zirconium phosphate/poly(vinyl acetate)/glycerine gel electrolytes
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