Carl Hägglund

Showing 25 publications


High aspect ratio plasmonic nanocones for enhanced light absorption in ultrathin amorphous silicon films

Viktoria Gusak, Bengt Herbert Kasemo, Carl Hägglund
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 118 (40), p. 22840-22846
Journal article

Plasmonic Near-Field Absorbers for Ultrathin Solar Cells

Carl Hägglund, Peter Apell
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Vol. 3 (10), p. 1275-1285
Review article

Nanoparticle plasmon induced light absorption in ultrathin a-Si:H films for solar cells

Viktoria Gusak, Bengt Herbert Kasemo, Carl Hägglund
E-MRS 2012 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, May 14-18, 2012
Conference poster

High optical absorption in graphene

Peter Apell, Carl Hägglund, george hanson
arXiv (1201.3071)
Magazine article

Thickness Dependence of Plasmonic Charge Carrier Generation in Ultrathin a-Si:H Layers for Solar Cells

Viktoria Gusak, Bengt Herbert Kasemo, Carl Hägglund
ACS Nano. Vol. 5 (8), p. 6218-6225
Journal article

Nanoplasmonic biosensing with on-chip electrical detection

Francesco Mazzotta, Guoliang Wang, Carl Hägglund et al
Biosensors and Bioelectronics. Vol. 26 (4), p. 1131-1136
Paper in proceeding

Maximized Optical Absorption in Ultrathin Films and Its Application to Plasmon-Based Two-Dimensional Photovoltaics

Carl Hägglund, Peter Apell, Bengt Herbert Kasemo
Nano Letters. Vol. 10 (8), p. 3135-3141
Journal article

Nanoparticle plasmon induced light absorption in ultrathin a-Si:H films

Viktoria Gusak, Bengt Herbert Kasemo, Carl Hägglund
Nanotechnology for sustainable energy, 4-9 July 2010, Obergurgl, Austria
Conference poster

Resource efficient plasmon-based 2D-photovoltaics with reflective support

Carl Hägglund, Peter Apell
Optics Express. Vol. 18 (103), p. A343-A356
Journal article

Nanoparticle plasmonics for 2D-photovoltaics: Mechanisms, Optimization, and Limits

Carl Hägglund, Bengt Herbert Kasemo
Optics Express. Vol. 17 (14), p. 11944-11957
Journal article

Electromagnetic coupling of light into a silicon solar cell by nanodisk plasmons

Carl Hägglund, Michael Zäch, Göran Petersson et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 92 (5), p. 053110-
Journal article

Solar cell model system: TiO2 films with PbS quantum dots

Viktoria Gusak, Bengt Herbert Kasemo, Carl Hägglund
International Nano Student Conference (INASCON), Aarhus, Denmark, September 27-30, 2008
Conference poster

Grating Formation by Metal-Nanoparticle-Mediated Coupling of Light into Waveguided Modes

Lisa Eurenius, Carl Hägglund, Eva Olsson et al
Nature Photonics. Vol. 2, p. 360-364
Journal article

Enhanced nanoplasmonic optical sensors with reduced substrate effect

Alexander Dmitriev, Carl Hägglund, Si Chen et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 8 (11), p. 3893-3898
Journal article

Avhandlingen: Mer el från solceller med nanopartikel-plasmoner

Carl Hägglund
Fysikaktuellt. Vol. 3, p. 14-15
Magazine article

Enhanced charge carrier generation in dye sensitized solar cells by nanoparticle plasmons

Carl Hägglund, Michael Zäch, Bengt Herbert Kasemo
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 92 (01), p. 013113-
Journal article

Nanopartiklar fångar solljus

Michael Zäch, Carl Hägglund
Kemivärlden Biotech med Kemisk tidskrift (1), p. 22-24
Magazine article

Charge distribution on and near Schottky nanocontacts

Carl Hägglund, Vladimir Zhdanov
Physica E. Vol. 33, p. 296-302
Journal article

Nanoscience and nanotechnology for advanced energy systems

Michael Zäch, Carl Hägglund, Dinko Chakarov et al
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science. Vol. 10, p. 132-143
Journal article

Ljus blir el

Carl Hägglund
Magazine article

In situ reactivity and FTIR study of the wet and dry photooxidation of propane on anatase TiO2

Carl Hägglund, Bengt Herbert Kasemo, L Österlund
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 109 (21), p. 10886-10895
Journal article

Relaxation of plasmons in nm-sized metal particles located on or embedded in an amorphous semiconductor

Vladimir Zhdanov, Carl Hägglund, Bengt Herbert Kasemo
Surface Science. Vol. 599 (1-3), p. L372-L375
Journal article

Comment on "Efficient Photochemical Water Splitting by a Chemically Modified n-TiO2" (II)

Carl Hägglund, Michael Grätzel, Bengt Herbert Kasemo
Science. Vol. 301 (5640), p. 1673b-
Journal article

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