Fabio Caputo

Doctoral Student at Industrial Biotechnology

Fabio graduated at University of Napoli ”Federico II” in Industrial Biotechnology. Then, in 2020, Fabio became a PhD student at Chalmers University of Technology. His reasearch focuses on the design of efficient enzymatic hydrolysis of mild steam-pretreatment softwood. One of the main hurdles of utilizing softwood as feedstock for ethanol biorefineries, is the recalcitrance of the softwood, that requires harsh pretreatment conditions and high protein loadings to facilitate enzymatic saccharification. In my research I will investigate the relationwhip between steam-pretreatment conditions and the efficiency of enzymatic hydrolysis and how that can be improved by adding lacking enzyme activitites. The overall goal is to contribute to improving the softwood-to-ethanol process.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Fabio Caputo

Showing 7 publications


Structural changes and cellulose ultrastructure mapped with electron microscopy and SAXS after enzymatic hydrolysis of mildly steam pretreated Norway spruce

Maria Eugenia Fortes Brollo, Fabio Caputo, Polina Naidjonoka et al
Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts. Vol. 18 (1)
Journal article

The glass transition temperature of isolated native, residual, and technical lignin

Åke Henrik-Klemens, Fabio Caputo, Roujin Ghaffari et al
Holzforschung. Vol. 78 (4), p. 216-230
Journal article

Understanding the impact of steam pretreatment severity on cellulose ultrastructure, recalcitrance, and hydrolyzability of Norway spruce

Fabio Caputo, Basel Al-Rudainy, Polina Naidjonoka et al
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. Vol. 14 (21), p. 27211-27223
Journal article

Elucidating Thermothielavioides terrestris secretome changes for improved saccharification of mild steam-pretreated spruce

Fabio Caputo, Romanos Siaperas, Camila Dias et al
Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts. Vol. 17 (1)
Journal article

Investigating the role of AA9 LPMOs in enzymatic hydrolysis of differentially steam-pretreated spruce

Fabio Caputo, Monika Tõlgo, Polina Naidjonoka et al
Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts. Vol. 16 (1)
Journal article

Four ways of implementing robustness quantification in strain characterisation

Luca Torello Pianale, Fabio Caputo, Lisbeth Olsson
Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts. Vol. 16 (1)
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Intensification of the softwood-to-ethanol processes – design of efficient enzymatic hydrolysis combined with mild steam pretreatment

Lisbeth Olsson Industrial Biotechnology
Vera Novy Industrial Biotechnology
Fabio Caputo Industrial Biotechnology
Swedish Energy Agency

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