Fredrik Johansson

Showing 3 publications


Two-colour photoswitching in photoresponsive inorganic thin films

Elin Sundin, Fredrik Johansson, Valeria Saavedra et al
Materials Advances. Vol. 2 (7), p. 2328-2333
Journal article

Singlet Fission and Electron Injection from the Triplet Excited State in Diphenylisobenzofuran-Semiconductor Assemblies: Effects of Solvent Polarity and Driving Force

Elin Sundin, Rasmus Ringström, Fredrik Johansson et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 124 (38 Josef Michl Festschrift), p. 20794-20805
Journal article

Multi-functional Chromophores

Fredrik Johansson
Licentiate thesis

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Showing 1 research projects


Photon Fission & Fusion: Beyond the Limits of Conventional Solar Energy Technologies

Bo Albinsson Physical Chemistry
Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Fredrik Johansson Organic Chemistry
Duncan Kushnir Environmental Systems Analysis
Damir Dzebo Physical Chemistry
Maria Abrahamsson Physical Chemistry
Kasper Moth-Poulsen Polymer Technology
Victor Gray Polymer Technology
Jerker Mårtensson Organic Chemistry
Swedish Energy Agency

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