Dan Gall

Showing 8 publications


Recirculation of NOxand SOxScrubber Effluent to an Industrial Grate Fired MSW Boiler-Influence on Combustion Performance, Deposition Behavior, and Flue Gas Composition

Dan Gall, Thomas Allgurén, Jakob Johansson et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 36 (11), p. 5868-5877
Journal article

Recirculation of NOx and SOx Scrubber Effluent to an Industrial Grate Fired MSW Boiler - Influence on Combustion Performance, Deposition Behavior, and Flue Gas Composition

Dan Gall, Thomas Allgurén, Jakob Johansson et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 36 (11), p. 5868-5877
Journal article

Alkali Monitoring of Industrial Process Gas by Surface Ionization─Calibration, Assessment, and Comparison to in Situ Laser Diagnostics

Dan Gall, Jan Viljanen, Ivan Gogolev et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 35 (24), p. 20160-20171
Journal article

The Influence of Alkali, Chlorine and Sulfur on Aerosol Formation

Thomas Allgurén, Dan Gall, Yueming Wang et al
Other conference contribution

Ash aerosol and deposition formation with changing alkali-Cl-S additives during coal combustion

Xiaolong Li, Yueming Wang, Thomas Allgurén et al
Other conference contribution

Chemical-looping combustion in a 100 kW unit using a mixture of synthetic and natural oxygen carriers – Operational results and fate of biomass fuel alkali

Ivan Gogolev, Carl Johan Linderholm, Dan Gall et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 88, p. 371-382
Journal article

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