Hans Gruber

Showing 15 publications


On the role of Zr and B addition on solidification cracking of IN738LC produced by laser powder bed fusion

Kristina Lindgren, Fiona Schulz, Hans Gruber et al
Materialia. Vol. 26
Journal article

The effect of boron and zirconium on the microcracking susceptibility of IN-738LC derivatives in laser powder bed fusion

Hans Gruber, Eduard Hryha, Kristina Lindgren et al
Applied Surface Science. Vol. 573
Journal article

A Novel gamma y'-Strengthened Nickel-Based Superalloy for Laser Powder Bed Fusion

Jinghao Xu, Hans Gruber, Ru Lin Peng et al
Materials. Vol. 13 (21), p. 1-12
Journal article

On the strengthening and embrittlement mechanisms of an additively manufactured Nickel-base superalloy

Jinghao Xu, Hans Gruber, Robert Boyd et al
Materialia. Vol. 10
Journal article

Effect of Powder Recycling on Defect Formation in Electron Beam Melted Alloy 718

Hans Gruber, Cosmina Luchian, Eduard Hryha et al
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. Vol. 51 (5), p. 2430-2443
Journal article

Short-term creep behavior of an additive manufactured non-weldable Nickel-base superalloy evaluated by slow strain rate testing

Jinghao Xu, Hans Gruber, D. Deng et al
Acta Materialia. Vol. 179, p. 142-157
Journal article

Effect of Powder Recycling in Electron Beam Melting on the Surface Chemistry of Alloy 718 Powder

Hans Gruber, Mikael Henriksson, Eduard Hryha et al
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. Vol. 50 (9), p. 4410-4422
Journal article

Surface oxide state on metal powder and its changes during additive manufacturing: An overview

Eduard Hryha, Ruslan Shvab, Hans Gruber et al
Proceedings Euro PM 2017: International Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition
Paper in proceeding

Surface Oxide State on Metal Powder and its Changes during Additive Manufacturing: an Overview

Eduard Hryha, Ruslan Shvab, Hans Gruber et al
Metallurgia Italiana. Vol. 110 (3), p. 34-39
Magazine article

Effect of Powder Recycling on the Fracture Behavior of Electron Beam Melted Alloy 718

Hans Gruber, P. Karimi, Eduard Hryha et al
Powder Metallurgy Progress. Vol. 18 (1), p. 40-48
Journal article

Influence of build layout and orientation on microstructural characteristics of electron beam melted Alloy 718

P. Karimi, E. Sadeghi, D. Deng et al
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 99 (9-12), p. 2903-2913
Journal article

A Comparative Study of the Initial Corrosion of KCl and PbCl2 on a Low-Alloyed Steel

Erik Larsson, Hans Gruber, Kristina M Hellström et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 87 (5-6), p. 779-787
Journal article

An FEM-based approach for tool wear estimation in machining

Amir Malakizadi, Hans Gruber, Ibrahim Sadik et al
Wear. Vol. 368-369, p. 10-24
Journal article

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