Giada Lo Re

Associate Professor at Engineering Materials

Image of Giada Lo Re

Showing 30 publications


Design of Extruded Nanostructured Composites via Decoupling of the Cellulose Nanofibril/Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) Interface

Angelica Avella, Maria Rosella Telaretti Leggieri, Alexandros Efraim Alexakis et al
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Vol. 17 (1), p. 2602-2614
Journal article

Ring-opening polymerization of ethylene brassylate in reactive extrusion and its end-of-life options

Giada Lo Re, Angelica Avella, Daniela Pappalardo et al
Polymer Degradation and Stability. Vol. 234
Journal article

Impact of water plasticization on dialcohol cellulose fibres melt processing-structure-properties relationship

Enrica Pellegrino, Basel Al-Rudainy, Per A. Larsson et al
Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications. Vol. 9
Journal article

Reusable, Recyclable, and Biodegradable Heat-Shrinkable Melt Cross-Linked Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)/Pulp Biocomposites for Polyvinyl Chloride Replacement

Angelica Avella, Mathieu Salse, Valentina Sessini et al
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Vol. 12 (13), p. 5251-5262
Journal article

In Situ Enzymatic Polymerization of Ethylene Brassylate Mediated by Artificial Plant Cell Walls in Reactive Extrusion

Luca Deiana, Angelica Avella, Abdolrahim A. Rafi et al
ACS Applied Polymer Materials. Vol. 6 (17), p. 10414-10422
Journal article

Chemical-free Reactive Melt Processing of Biosourced Poly(butylene-succinate-adipate) for Improved Mechanical Properties and Recyclability

Michele Gammino, Claudio Gioia, Andrea Maio et al
ACS Applied Polymer Materials. Vol. 6 (10), p. 5866-5877
Journal article

Organo-Mediated Ring-Opening Polymerization of Ethylene Brassylate from Cellulose Nanofibrils in Reactive Extrusion

Angelica Avella, Abdolrahim A. Rafi, Luca Deiana et al
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Vol. 12 (29), p. 10727-10738
Journal article

Interface interactions driven antioxidant properties in olive leaf extract/cellulose nanocrystals/poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) biomaterials

Giuseppa Anna De Cristofaro, Marina Paolucci, Daniela Pappalardo et al
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. Vol. 272
Journal article

Acetylation of Nanocellulose: Miscibility and Reinforcement Mechanisms in Polymer Nanocomposites

Jakob Wohlert, Pan Chen, L. Berglund et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 18 (3), p. 1882-1891
Journal article

Lignin valorization in thermoplastic biomaterials: from reactive melt processing to recyclable and biodegradable packaging

Angelica Avella, Marcus Ruda, Claudio Gioia et al
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 463
Journal article

Melt processable cellulose fibres engineered for replacing oil-based thermoplastics

Giada Lo Re, Emile Engel, Linnea Björn et al
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 458
Journal article

A facile route for concurrent fabrication and surface selective functionalization of cellulose nanofibers by lactic acid mediated catalysis

Abdolrahim A. Rafi, Rana Alimohammadzadeh, Angelica Avella et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 13 (1)
Journal article

Reactive melt crosslinking of cellulose nanocrystals/poly(ε-caprolactone) for heat-shrinkable network

Angelica Avella, Alexander Idström, Rosica Mincheva et al
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. Vol. 163
Journal article

Green Topochemical Esterification Effects on the Supramolecular Structure of Chitin Nanocrystals: Implications for Highly Stable Pickering Emulsions

Chiara Magnani, Mina Fazilati, Roland Kádár et al
ACS Applied Nano Materials. Vol. 5 (4), p. 4731-4743
Journal article

Biocomposite PBAT/lignin blown films with enhanced photo-stability

Luigi Botta, Vincenzo Titone, Rosalia Teresi et al
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. Vol. 217, p. 161-170
Journal article

Water-assisted melt processing of cellulose biocomposites with poly(ε-caprolactone) or poly(ethylene-acrylic acid) for the production of carton screw caps

Abhijit Venkatesh, Lilian Forsgren, Angelica Avella et al
Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Vol. 139 (6)
Journal article

Microscopic Insight into the Structure-Processing-Property Relationships of Core-Shell Structured Dialcohol Cellulose Nanoparticles

Aleksandar Y. Mehandzhiyski, Emile Engel, Per A. Larsson et al
ACS Applied Bio Materials. Vol. 5 (10), p. 4793-4802
Journal article

Synergistic reinforcement of a reversible Diels-Alder type network with nanocellulose

Anna Peterson, Manta Roy, Julia Fagerlund et al
Materials Advances. Vol. 2 (15), p. 5171-5180
Journal article

A combined theoretical and experimental study of the polymer matrix mediated stress transfer in a cellulose nanocomposite

Anna Peterson, Aleksandar Y. Mehandzhiyski, Leo Svenningsson et al
Macromolecules. Vol. 54 (7), p. 3507-3516
Journal article

Substantial effect of water on radical melt crosslinking and rheological properties of poly(ε-caprolactone)

Angelica Avella, Rosica Mincheva, Jean Marie Raquez et al
Polymers. Vol. 13 (4), p. 1-16
Journal article

Thermo-mechanical variability of post-industrial and post-consumer recyclate PC-ABS

Eliott Jean Quentin Orzan, Ratchawit Janewithayapun, Renaud Gutkin et al
Polymer Testing. Vol. 99
Journal article

Strong reinforcement effects in 2D cellulose nanofibril-graphene oxide (CNF-GO) nanocomposites due to GO-induced CNF ordering

Hanieh Mianehrow, Giada Lo Re, Federico Carosio et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Vol. 8 (34), p. 17608-17620
Journal article

Processing-structure-property relationships of electrospun PLA-PEO membranes reinforced with enzymatic cellulose nanofibers

Robab Ghafari, Roberto Scaffaro, Andrea Maio et al
Polymer Testing. Vol. 81
Journal article

Interphase Design of Cellulose Nanocrystals/Poly(hydroxybutyrate- ran-valerate) Bionanocomposites for Mechanical and Thermal Properties Tuning

Chiara Magnani, Alexander Idström, Lars Nordstierna et al
Biomacromolecules. Vol. 21 (5), p. 1892-1901
Journal article

Sustainable pathway towards large scale melt processing of the new generation of renewable cellulose-polyamide composites

Valentina Sessini, Bashar Haseeb, Antal Boldizar et al
RSC Advances. Vol. 11 (2), p. 637-656
Review article

Surface modification effects on nanocellulose - molecular dynamics simulations using umbrella sampling and computational alchemy

Pan Chen, Giada Lo Re, Lars A. Berglund et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Vol. 8 (44), p. 23617-23627
Journal article

Tailored PISA-latexes for modification of nanocellulosics: Investigating compatibilizing and plasticizing effects

Joakim Engstrom, Fiona Hatton, Tobias Benselfelt et al
Other conference contribution

Melt-processing of cellulose nanofibril/polylactide bionanocomposites via a sustainable polyethylene glycol-based carrier system

Jonathan Cailloux, Jean Marie Raquez, Giada Lo Re et al
Carbohydrate Polymers. Vol. 224
Journal article

Molecular Engineering of the Cellulose-Poly(Caprolactone) Bio-Nanocomposite Interface by Reactive Amphiphilic Copolymer Nanoparticles

Tahani Kaldéus, Andrea Träger, Lars A. Berglund et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 13 (6), p. 6409-6420
Journal article

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Showing 4 research projects


PROcesses for DiAlcohol Cellulose PROduction - ProDAC

Giada Lo Re Engineering Materials

3 publications exist

Återvinning av insamlad plast från förpackningar

Antal Boldizar Engineering Materials
Ezgi Ceren Boz Noyan Engineering Materials
Christer Persson Engineering Materials
Giada Lo Re Engineering Materials
Plastkretsen (PK) AB:s Stiftelse för forskning

7 publications exist

Materials and interface design in semi-structural and eco-friendly wood fiber biocomposites

Giada Lo Re Engineering Materials
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

2 publications exist
There might be more projects where Giada Lo Re participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.