Giada Lo Re

Showing 30 publications
Ring-opening polymerization of ethylene brassylate in reactive extrusion and its end-of-life options
Acetylation of Nanocellulose: Miscibility and Reinforcement Mechanisms in Polymer Nanocomposites
Melt processable cellulose fibres engineered for replacing oil-based thermoplastics
Biocomposite PBAT/lignin blown films with enhanced photo-stability
Synergistic reinforcement of a reversible Diels-Alder type network with nanocellulose
Thermo-mechanical variability of post-industrial and post-consumer recyclate PC-ABS
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Showing 4 research projects
PROcesses for DiAlcohol Cellulose PROduction - ProDAC
Återvinning av insamlad plast från förpackningar
Materials and interface design in semi-structural and eco-friendly wood fiber biocomposites
Advanced characterization of new cellulose-based melt-processed materials for disposable packaging