Greg Morrison
Showing 70 publications
The Storyline for the design process that shaped the HSB living lab
A living lab co-creation environment exemplifying Factor 10 improvements in a city district
Quantification of Goods Purchases and Waste Generation at the Level of Individual Households
Evaluation of a passive sampler for the speciation of metals in urban runoff water
Conceptualizing the water sensitive home in Sweden
Replacement predictions for drinking water networks through historical data
Colloid-Facilitated Metal Transport in Peat Filters
Enhancing consumer relations: the role of trust and confidence
Peat filter performance under changing environmental conditions
Colloid facilitated transport of metals in peat filter
Environmental Relevance of the Platinum Group Elements
Iron-modified light expanded clay aggregates for the removal of arsenic(V) from groundwater
Consumer trust and confidence: Some recent ideas in the literature
Tillit och medvetenhet – viktiga konsumentaspekter för vattensektorn
Characteristics of arsenic adsorption to sorghum biomass
Regional and global transport of platinum group elements from automobile catalysts
Distribution of palladium, platinum and rhodium in birds of prey
Sorption of arsenic on sorghum biomass: a case study
Importance of platinum group element and gold speciation for the environment and medicine
Performance optimization of a passive sampler for monitoring hydrophobic organic pollutants in water
Platinum group elements from automobile emissions to global distribution
Passive sampling techniques for monitoring pollutants in water
Comparative tissue distribution of metals in birds in Sweden using ICP-MS and laser ablation ICP-MS
Environmental routes for platinum group elements to biological materials - a review
From Here to Sustainability – Is the Lisbon/Göteborg agenda delivering?
Short-term toxicity and binding of platinum to freshwater periphyton communities
Micrometer-resolved binding of lead to iron in urban river sediments
Platinum group elements in raptor eggs, faeces, blood, liver and kidney
Impact of automobile emissions on the levels of platinum and lead in Accra, Ghana
Chronology of platinum accumulation in an urban lake
Scanning Laser Ablation-ICP-MS Tracking of Platinum Group Elements in Urban Particles
Platinum group elements in the feathers of raptors and their prey
Performance of an in situ passive sampling system for metals in stormwater
Heterogeneity of platinum group metals in airborne particles
An Environmental Case History of the Platinum Group Metals.
Platinum-group elements: quantification in collected exhaust fumes and studies of catalyst surfaces
Elemental association and fingerprinting of traffic-related metals in road sediments
Routes for Bioaccumulation and Transformation of Platinum in the Urban Environment
LCA based indicators for sustainable development of urban water systems
Platinum uptake by the freshwater isopod Asellus aquaticus in urban rivers
Indicators for the development of sustainable water and wastewater systems
Effect of grain size on nutrient removal from wastewater in small-scale planted macrophyte systems
Metaller i sura brunnsvatten - Avskiljning medelst alkaliska filter
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Showing 5 research projects
dMFA - Analytical tool for supporting factor 10 at urban district level
Investment in SusLabNWE testing toolkit for Gothenburg testing houses
Homes for tomorrow. Building solutions for tomorrow as a reference for today
Pre-study on ship wreck assessment and remediation