Angela Beth Grommet
The Grommet research group spans the interface between supramolecular chemistry and nanomedicine, and we are particularly interested in addressing the challenges associated with lipid nanoparticle technology. Using host-guest chemistry, we develop novel lipids and stabilizers, incorporate these components into nanoparticles, and investigate their biological activity – our aim is to reduce immunogenicity and improve cargo stability without compromising therapeutic activity. Angela Grommet has a background in coordination cages, porous liquids, and chemical reactivity under confinement.

Showing 18 publications
Orthogonal Phase Transfer of Oppositely Charged Fe<sup>II</sup><inf>4</inf>L<inf>6</inf> Cages
Harnessing Maxwell’s demon to establish a macroscale concentration gradient
Quantifying the Effect of Guest Binding on Host Environment
Guest Encapsulation Alters the Thermodynamic Landscape of a Coordination Host
Guest Encapsulation within Surface‐Adsorbed Self‐Assembled Cages
Coordination Cages Selectively Transport Molecular Cargoes Across Liquid Membranes
Improving Fatigue Resistance of Dihydropyrene by Encapsulation within a Coordination Cage
Molecular Photoswitching in Confined Spaces
Chemical Reactivity Under Nanoconfinement
Heat Engine Drives Transport of an FeII4L4 Cage and Cargo
Coordination Cages as Permanently Porous Ionic Liquids
Orthogonal Stimuli Trigger Self-Assembly and Phase Transfer of FeII4L4 Cages and Cargoes
Anion Exchange Drives Reversible Phase Transfer of Coordination Cages and their Cargoes
Directed Phase Transfer of an FeII4L4 Cage and Encapsulated Cargo
A triphasic sorting system: Coordination cages in ionic liquids
Co-crystal screening of diclofenac
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Showing 3 research projects
Tunable Optomechanical Microcavities with Nanofluidic Access for Photochemistry under Confinement
Multielektronöverföring via singlettfission inom värd-gäst komplex
Bottom-up fabrication of lipid nanoparticles with low permeability