Gulnara Shavalieva
Gulnara Shavalieva specializes in the environmental aspects of emerging technologies. Her current research is centered around understanding how context influences the methods and procedures of impact assessments. By understanding the context in which decisions are made and taking into account the viewpoints of decision-makers, the information provided by impact assessments could be more meaningful for the end users of the results. Her research areas include Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), carbon capture, utilization and storage, decision-and sensemaking, and green chemistry.

Showing 12 publications
Use of LCA and LCT within technology development of carbon capture, utilisation and storage
Prior Knowledge for Predictive Modeling: The Case of Acute Aquatic Toxicity
Environmental, health and safety assessment of phase-change solvents for post combustion CO2 capture
Sustainability analysis of phase-change solvents for post-combustion CO2 capture
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Showing 1 research projects