Showing 7 publications


Cellular communication via directed protrusion growth: Critical length-scales and membrane morphology

HAIJIANG ZHANG, Anna Kim, Xu Shijun et al
Nano Communication Networks. Vol. 6 (4), p. 178-182
Journal article

Spontaneous shape transformation of free-floating lipid membrane nanotubes

Natalia Stepanyants, HAIJIANG ZHANG, Tatsiana Lobovkina et al
Soft Matter. Vol. 9 (21), p. 5155-5159
Journal article

Artificial nanotube connections and transport of molecular cargo between mammalian cells

HAIJIANG ZHANG, Xu Shijun, Gavin Jeffries et al
Nano Communication Networks. Vol. 4 (4), p. 197-204
Journal article

Artificial and Intercellular Nanotubes

Doctoral thesis

Exploring Artificial Intercellular Nanotube Networks

Biophysical Journal. Vol. 104 (2), p. 247A-
Magazine article

Generation of phospholipid vesicle-nanotube networks and transport of molecules therein

Aldo Jesorka, Natalia Stepanyants, HAIJIANG ZHANG et al
Nature Protocols. Vol. 6 (6), p. 791-805
Journal article

Nanotube-interconnected liposome networks

Ilona Wegrzyn, HAIJIANG ZHANG, Owe Orwar et al
Nano Communication Networks. Vol. 2 (1), p. 4-15
Journal article

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