Håkan Andreasson
My main research interests are general relativity and kinetic theory. In particular I am interested in global properties of solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov system. For more information on my research see my personal homepage http://www.math.chalmers.se/~hand/

Showing 54 publications
Existence of a Minimizer to the Particle Number-Casimir Functional for the Einstein–Vlasov System
Hoop and weak cosmic censorship conjectures for the axisymmetric Einstein-Vlasov system
Dynamics of gravitational collapse in the axisymmetric Einstein-Vlasov system
Comments on the paper ‘Static solutions of the Vlasov–Einstein system’ by G. Wolansky
Cosmic string and black hole limits of toroidal Vlasov bodies in general relativity
Models for Self-Gravitating Photon Shells and Geons
On axisymmetric and stationary solutions of the self-gravitating Vlasov system
Proof of the cosmic no-hair conjecture in the T-3-Gowdy symmetric Einstein-Vlasov setting
Static solutions to the Einstein-Vlasov system with a nonvanishing cosmological constant
On the rotation curves for axially symmetric disk solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system
Rotating, Stationary, Axially Symmetric Spacetimes with Collisionless Matter
On gravitational collapse and cosmic censorship for collisionless matter
Spherically symmetric steady states of John elastic bodies in general relativity
Black hole formation from a complete past for the einstein–vlasov system
Black hole formation from a complete regular past for vlasov matter
Bounds on M/R for charged objects with positive cosmological constant
Black Hole Formation from a Complete Regular Past for Collisionless Matter
The formation of black holes in spherically symmetric gravitational collapse
Existence of axially symmetric static solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov system
The Einstein-Vlasov system/Kinetic theory
Formation of trapped surfaces for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system
Formation of trapped surfaces for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system
Regularity Results for the Spherically Symmetric Einstein-Vlasov System
Bounds on M/R for static objects with a positive cosmological constant
Sharp Bounds on the Critical Stability Radius for Relativistic Charged Spheres
Global existence for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system with outgoing matter
Sharp bounds on 2m/r of general spherically symmetric static objects
The Formation of Black Holes in Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Collapse
On the Buchdahl inequality for spherically symmetric static shells
On the steady states of the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system
Global existence for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system with outgoing matter
On Static Shells and the Buchdahl Inequality for the Spherically Symmetric Einstein-Vlasov System
The Einstein-Vlasov system/Kinetic theory
Global classical solutions to the spherically symmetric Nordstr\"{o}m-Vlasov system
On blowup for the gain-term-only classical and relativistic Boltzmann equation
Existence of CMC and constant areal time foliations in T^2 symmetric spacetimes with Vlasov matter
On Lorentz Invariance, Regularity and Global Existence for Kinetic Equations
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