Andreas Hanning

Showing 5 publications


Den svenska maritima näringen

Andreas Hanning

Energy efficiency in the maritime industry

Andreas Hanning

Maritima kluster i Västra Götaland 2012

Axel Wenblad, Susanne Lindegarth, Andreas Hanning

Are we educating engineers for sustainability? Comparison between obtained competences and Swedish industry's needs

Andreas Hanning, Anna Priem Abelsson, Ulrika Lundqvist et al
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. Vol. 13 (3), p. 305-320
Journal article

The Swedish industry’s needs of competences in sustainable development

Andreas Hanning, Anna Priem Abelsson
EESD'10 conference proceedings
Other conference contribution

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Showing 2 research projects


Challenge Lab

John Holmberg Physical Resource Theory
David Andersson Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Andreas I Hanning Physical Resource Theory
Linnéa Johansson Physical Resource Theory
Johan Larsson Physical Resource Theory
The Chalmers University Foundation

7 publications exist

Cluster analysis of the maritime cluster in Sweden

Andreas I Hanning Maritime Environmental Sciences

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