Hanna Cardol

Visiting Researcher at Innovation and R&D Management 01

Hanna Rydehell is a Post doc at the Division of Innovation and R&D Management

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Hanna Cardol

Showing 17 publications


Rethinking the forecasting of innovation diffusion: A combined actor- and system approach

Hanna Cardol, Ingrid Johansson Mignon, Björn Lantz
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 214
Journal article

The impact of solar PV subsidies on investment over time-the case of Sweden

Hanna Rydehell, Björn Lantz, Ingrid Johansson Mignon et al
Energy Economics. Vol. 133
Journal article

Stakeholder roles in business model development in new technology-based firms

Hanna Rydehell
International Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 24 (4)
Journal article

Human capital, external relations, and early firm performance of technology-based start-ups

Hanna Rydehell, Anders Isaksson, Hans Löfsten
Rigour and Relevance in Entrepreneurship Research, Resources and Outcomes Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research, p. 117-139
Book chapter

Effects of internal and external resource dimensions on the business performance of new technology-based firms

Hanna Rydehell, Anders Isaksson, Hans Löfsten
International Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 23 (1)
Journal article

Business networks and localization effects for new Swedish technology-based firms’ innovation performance

Hanna Rydehell, Anders Isaksson, Hans Löfsten
Journal of Technology Transfer. Vol. 44 (5), p. 1457-1476
Journal article

Empirical exploration of a cohort of new technology-based firms in Sweden: what happens to them during their early years?

Heikki Rannikko, Erno T. Tornikoski, Anders Isaksson et al
The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Contexts: Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research, p. 166-186
Book chapter

Human capital, external relations and new technology-based firms´ early performance

Hanna Rydehell, Anders Isaksson, Hans Löfsten
RENT XXXI (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business), November 16-17, 2017, Lund
Other conference contribution

The Roles of Stakeholders in Business Model Development

Hanna Rydehell
RENT XXX – Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Antwerp, November 16-18
Paper in proceeding

Initial configurations and business models in new technology-based firms. Journal of business models

Hanna Rydehell, Anders Isaksson
Journal of Business Models. Vol. 4 (1), p. 63-83
Journal article

Business Model Measurements: A Systematic Literature Review

Hanna Rydehell, Mickaël Buffart
RENT XXIX – Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Zagreb, November 18-20
Paper in proceeding

Initial configurations and business models in new technology-based firms: A case study approach

Hanna Rydehell, Anders Isaksson
The 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Copenhagen, August 12-14
Paper in proceeding

Empirical exploration of a cohort of new technology-based firms in Sweden: What happens to them during their early years?

Heikki Rannikko, Erno Tornikoski, Anders Isaksson et al
Paper presented for the RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XXIX conference in Zagreb, Croatia on November 18-20, 2015.
Paper in proceeding

Perceptions of Initial Business Models in New Technology-Based Firms

Hanna Rydehell, Anders Isaksson
RENT XXIX – Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Zagreb, November 18-20
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Public energy advising as a policy instrument for large-scale diffusion of solar photovoltaics – a study of the Swedish municipal energy and climate advising

Ingrid Johansson Mignon Innovation and R&D Management
Björn Lantz Innovation and R&D Management
Hanna Rydehell Innovation and R&D Management
Lisa Bastås Innovation and R&D Management
Swedish Energy Agency

3 publications exist
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