Hanna Cardol
Hanna Rydehell är doktor vid avdelningen Innovation and R&D Management

Visar 17 publikationer
Rethinking the forecasting of innovation diffusion: A combined actor- and system approach
The impact of solar PV subsidies on investment over time-the case of Sweden
Stakeholder roles in business model development in new technology-based firms
Human capital, external relations, and early firm performance of technology-based start-ups
Human capital, external relations and new technology-based firms´ early performance
Stakeholders’ Roles in Business Model Development of New Technology-Based Firms
Initial Business Models in New Technology-Based Firms: Dimensions and Founders' Prioritisations
The Roles of Stakeholders in Business Model Development
Initial configurations and business models in new technology-based firms. Journal of business models
Business Model Measurements: A Systematic Literature Review
Initial configurations and business models in new technology-based firms: A case study approach
Perceptions of Initial Business Models in New Technology-Based Firms
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt