Ida Hansson

Showing 6 publications


Adult’s and Children’s Attitudes towards Extra Seat Belts in the Rear Seats

Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Katarina Bohman, Ida Hansson
Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI. Vol. 2017-September (RC-17-52), p. 341-352
Paper in proceeding

Children's and Adults' Comfort Experience of Extra Seat Belts When Riding in the Rear Seat of a Passenger Car

Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Ida Hansson, Katarina Bohman
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 16, p. 46-51
Journal article

Children's attitudes towards comfort and safety of an extra seatbelt during car travelling

Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Ida Hansson
46th Annual Nordic Ergonomics Society (NES), Aug 17-20, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference poster

Managing production complexity by empowering workers: six cases

Sandra Mattsson, Malin Karlsson, Åsa Fasth Berglund et al
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 17, p. 212-217
Paper in proceeding

Handling and comfort evaluation of extra seat belt concepts for rear seat passengers

Ida Hansson, Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Katarina Bohman

Older Children’s Sitting Postures, Behaviour and Comfort Experience during Ride – A Comparison between an Integrated Booster Cushion and a High-Back Booster

Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Ida Hansson, Isabelle Stockman et al
Proceedings 2013 IRCOBI Conference, 11-13 September, Gothenburg, Sweden, p. 882-885
Paper in proceeding

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