Syed Hasan Raza Zaidi
Showing 25 publications
Wideband Compact 4-Port Dual Polarized Self-Grounded Bowtie Antenna
Arrangements and Applications of Self-grounded Antennas
Integration of ultra-wideband planar baluns into the Eleven feed
Micromachined gap waveguide devices for above 100 GHz
Microstrip-Ridge Gap Waveguide – Study of Losses, Bends and Transition to WR-15
Micromachined Groove Gap Waveguides for 100 GHz applications
Empirical formulas for designing gap-waveguide hybrid ring coupler
Micromachined gap waveguides for 100 GHz applications
Resemblance Between Gap Waveguides and Hollow Waveguides
Measurement of Radiation Efficiency of Multiport Antennas With Feeding Network Corrections
Micromachined Ridge Gap Waveguide and Resonator for Millimeter-Wave Applications
Design and System Integration of 2-14 GHz Eleven Feed for VLBI2010
Baluns, Hybrids and Power Dividers for Ultra- Wideband Antennas
Micromachined Ridge Gap Waveguide and Resonator for 220-325 GHz
Development of the cryogenic 2-14 GHz eleven feed system for VLBI2010
Compact UWB power divider packaged by using gap waveguide technology
A low loss rat race balun in gap waveguide technology
Review of recent developments of the eleven feed for future decade bandwidth radio telescopes
Micromachined ridge gap waveguide for sub millimeter and millimeter wave applications
Design of Micromachined Ridge Gap Waveguides for Millimeter-Wave Applications
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