Barbara Hedeler

Showing 10 publications


Policy mixes and policy feedback: Implications for green industrial growth in the Swedish biofuels industry

Barbara Hedeler, Hans Hellsmark, Patrik Söderholm
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 173
Journal article

To facilitate a fair bioeconomy transition, stronger regional-level linkages are needed

Mikael S. Andersen, Lotte D. Christensen, Jakob Donner-Amnell et al
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. Vol. 16 (4), p. 929-941
Journal article

Renewable Energy Development in the Presence of Policy Change and Technological Variety: The Case of the Emerging Swedish Biofuel Industry

Barbara Hedeler, Hans Hellsmark, Patrik Söderholm
Joint Sessions of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
Other conference contribution

A comparative case study on the impact of policy mixes on biofuel industry value chains

Barbara Hedeler, Jakob Donner-Amnell, Hans Hellsmark et al
Other conference contribution

Policy mixes and Localization of Value Chains: The Emergence of Biofuel Industries in Finland and Sweden

Barbara Hedeler, Hans Hellsmark, Patrik Söderholm et al
Other conference contribution

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