Alexey Geynts
Alexey Geynts (Heintz) is a professor in applied mathematics. His research area is kinetic theory of mass transport, particularly in heterogeneous materials. He also conducts research in geometric dynamics of surfaces with applications to biological membranes.

Showing 24 publications
Osmosis for non-electrolyte solvents in permeable periodic porous media
A numerical method for simulation dynamics of incompressible lipid membranes in viscous fluid
Fast Numerical Method for 2D Initial-Boundary Value Problems for the Boltzmann Equation
A Lattice Boltzmann Method for the Advection-Diffusion Equation with Neumann Boundary Conditions
Fast numerical method for the Boltzmann equation on non-uniform grids
A convolution thresholding scheme for the Willmore flow
A convolution-thresholding approximation of generalized curvature flows
Fast numerical method for the Bolzmann equation on non-uniform grids
A convolution-thresholding scheme for the Willmore flow
On a kinetic approach to generalised curvature flows and its applications
A new consistent discrete-velocity model for the Boltzmann equation.
Entropy inequalities for evaporation/condensation problem in rarefied gas dynamics.
Entropy indequalities for evaporation/condensation problem in rarefied gas dynamics
A new consistent discrete-velocity model for the Boltzmann equation
On the solvability and asymptotics of the Boltzmann equation in irregular domains.
On the solvability and asymptotics of the Boltzmann equation in irregular domains
On the initial boundary value problems for the Enskog equation in irregular domains
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