Paul Hockings
Showing 28 publications
Novel MRI filtration fraction method to assess glomerular hemodynamics in diabetic kidney disease
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Clinical Trials of Diabetic Kidney Disease
Consensus-based technical recommendations for clinical translation of renal T1 and T2 mapping MRI
Non-Invasive Imaging Biomarkers to Detect Nash in Subjects with NAFLD
Repeatability and reproducibility of longitudinal relaxation rate in 12 small-animal MRI systems
In Vivo Measurements of T2 Relaxation Time of Mouse Lungs during Inspiration and Expiration
COPD Patients Have Short Lung Magnetic Resonance T1 Relaxation Time.
T1 Relaxation Time in Lungs of Asymptomatic Smokers.
Assessment of gadoxetate DCE-MRI as a biomarker of hepatobiliary transporter inhibition
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