Paul Holmström

Showing 15 publications


Bringing System Dynamics into Action Research

Paul Holmström
Licentiate thesis

Multiple primary melanomas: A common occurrence in Western Sweden

Magdalena Claeson, Paul Holmström, Stefan Hallberg et al
Acta Dermato-Venereologica. Vol. 97 (6), p. 715-719
Journal article

Multiple primary melanomas in Western Sweden; 1990-2013

Magdalena Claeson, Paul Holmström, Stefan Hallberg et al
3rd International Conference on UV and Skin Cancer Prevention, Melbourne
Conference poster

Modelling the Future: System Dynamics in the Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma Care Pathway

Magdalena Claeson, Stefan Hallberg, Paul Holmström et al
Acta Dermato-Venereologica. Vol. 96 (2), p. 181-185
Journal article

Developing a simulation model for the patient pathway of cutaneous malignant melanoma

Stefan Hallberg, Magdalena Claeson, Paul Holmström et al
Operations Research for Health Care. Vol. 6, p. 23-30
Journal article

Modeling the future - System dynamics in the health care pathway of cutaneous malignant melanoma

Magdalena Claeson, Stefan Hallberg, Paul Holmström et al
2nd International Conference on UV and Skin Cancer Prevention, Berlin
Conference poster

A System Dynamics 'Flight Simulator‛ for the Evaluation of Policy Interventions in Patient Pathways for Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma

Paul Holmström, Magdalena Claeson, Stefan Hallberg
Operations Research Society Conference, OR54
Other conference contribution

Ersättningsformer och processeffektivitet – modellering för styrning i ett komplext system

Paul Holmström, Bengt Bergman, Stefan Hallberg et al

upporting pre-planning design phases of new dementia care environments through group-modeling

Marie Elf, Paul Holmström, Inga Malmqvist et al
Operations Research Society, OR54
Other conference contribution

Scoping group interventions for suitability in participatory modeling

Paul Holmström, Marie Elf
OR (Operational Research) 51 Annual Conference
Paper in proceeding

Simulering för bättre beslut och policies

Paul Holmström, Stefan Hallberg, Hans Björnsson
HEL, Hälso- och sjukvårdens ekonomi och logistik, p. 288-
Magazine article

Staff retention and job satisfaction at a hospital clinic - a case study

Paul Holmström, Marie Elf
International System Dynamics Conference, Oxford
Paper in proceeding

Models of Care processes - Implications for the Design of New Health Care Environments

Marie Elf, Paul Holmström, Kerstin Öhrn
EuroFM Conferences in Copenhagen 2004
Other conference contribution

Staff Retention and Job Satisfaction at a Hospital Clinic - A case study

Paul Holmström, Marie Elf
22th International System Dynamics Conferences Oxford 2004
Paper in proceeding

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