Mahdi Hormozi

Showing 15 publications


New bounds for bilinear Calderon-Zygmund operators and applications

Wendolin Damian, Mahdi Hormozi, Kangwei Li
Revista Matematica Iberoamericana. Vol. 34 (3), p. 1177-1210
Journal article

Orthogonal bases of Brauer symmetry classes of tensors for groups having cyclic support on non-linear Brauer characters

Mahdi Hormozi, K. Rodtes
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra. Vol. 31 (1), p. 263-285
Journal article

Weighted bounds for multilinear operators with non-smooth kernels

Anh Bui, Jose Conde-Alonso, Xuan Thinh Duong et al

Topics on Harmonic analysis and Multilinear Algebra

Mahdi Hormozi
Doctoral thesis

Weighted bounds for multilinear square functions

Mahdi Hormozi, Anh Bui

New bounds for bilinear Calder\'on-Zygmund operators and applications

Mahdi Hormozi, Kangwei Li, Wendolin Dami\'an

On General multilinear square function with non-smooth kernels

Mahdi Hormozi, Zengyan Si, Qingying Xue

Inclusions of Waterman-Shiba spaces into generalized Wiener classes

Mahdi Hormozi, F. Prus-Wisniowski, Hjalmar Rosengren
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Vol. 419 (1), p. 428-432
Journal article

Topics on Function Spaces and Multilinear Algebra

Mahdi Hormozi
Licentiate thesis

Inclusion of Lambda BV(p) spaces in the classes H-omega(q)

Mahdi Hormozi
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Vol. 404 (2), p. 195-200
Journal article

Symmetry classes of tensors associated with the Semi-Dihedral groups SD8n

Mahdi Hormozi, K. Rodtes
Colloquium Mathematicum. Vol. 131 (1), p. 59-67
Journal article

On p-Λ-bounded variation

Mahdi Hormozi, A. A. Ledari, F. Prus-Wisniowski
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society. Vol. 37 (4), p. 35-49
Journal article

Lambda BV as a Non Separable Dual Space

A. A. Ledari, Mahdi Hormozi
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A: Science. Vol. 34 (A3), p. 237-244
Journal article

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