Eugenia Perez Vico

Showing 14 publications


The critical role of informed political direction for advancing technology: The case of Swedish marine energy

Johnn Andersson, Eugenia Perez Vico, Linus Hammar et al
Energy Policy. Vol. 101, p. 52-64
Journal article

The importance of political direction: An analysis of the Swedish marine energy innovation system

Johnn Andersson, Eugenia Perez Vico, Linus Hammar
International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2015
Paper in proceeding

Enacting knowledge exchange: a context dependent and ‘role-based’ typology for capturing utility from university research

Eugenia Perez Vico, Hans Hellsmark, M. Jacob
Prometheus. Vol. 33 (1), p. 3-20
Journal article

The many ways of academic researchers - how science is made useful at a University of Technology

Staffan Jacobsson, Eugenia Perez Vico, Hans Hellsmark
Science and Public Policy. Vol. 41 (5), p. 641-657
Journal article

An in-depth study of direct and indirect impacts from the research of a physics professor

Eugenia Perez Vico
Science and Public Policy. Vol. 41 (6), p. 701-719
Journal article

Low-cost oxygen carrier materials for chemical-looping combustion of biomass

Georg Schwebel, Eugenia Perez Vico, Pavleta Knutsson et al
Environmental Division 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future; San Francisco; United States; 3 November 2013 through 8 November 2013, p. 406-
Paper in proceeding

Bredda synen på nyttiggörande!

Eugenia Perez Vico, Staffan Jacobsson, Merle Jacob et al
Forskning. Vol. 3, p. 12-
Magazine article

Identifying, explaining and improving the effects of academic R&D: The case of nanotechnology in Sweden

Staffan Jacobsson, Eugenia Perez Vico
Science and Public Policy. Vol. 39 (4), p. 513-529
Journal article

Mer fakta i forskningspolitiken tack

Staffan Jacobsson, Åsa Lindholm Dahlstrand, Jacob Merle et al
Ny Teknik, 6.4. 2012
Magazine article

Towards a systemic framework for capturing and explaining the effects of academic R&D

Staffan Jacobsson, Eugenia Perez Vico
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. Vol. 22 (7), p. 765 - 787
Journal article

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