Ida-Maria Svensson

Showing 12 publications


Three-wave mixing traveling-wave parametric amplifier with periodic variation of the circuit parameters

Anita Fadavi Roudsari, Daryoush Shiri, Hampus Renberg Nilsson et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 122 (5)
Journal article

Observation of Broadband Entanglement in Microwave Radiation from a Single Time-Varying Boundary Condition

Ben Schneider, Andreas Bengtsson, Ida-Maria Svensson et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 124 (14)
Journal article

Improved Success Probability with Greater Circuit Depth for the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

Andreas Bengtsson, Pontus Vikstål, Christopher Warren et al
Physical Review Applied. Vol. 14 (3)
Journal article

Resonant and off-resonant microwave signal manipulation in coupled superconducting resonators

Mathieu Pierre, Sankar Raman Sathyamoorthy, Ida-Maria Svensson et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 99 (9)
Journal article

Microwave photon generation in a doubly tunable superconducting resonator

Ida-Maria Svensson, Mathieu Pierre, Michael Roger Andre Simoen et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 969 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Nondegenerate parametric oscillations in a tunable superconducting resonator

Andreas Bengtsson, Philip Krantz, Michael Roger Andre Simoen et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 97 (14)
Journal article

Period multiplication in a parametrically driven superconducting resonator

Ida-Maria Svensson, Andreas Bengtsson, Jonas Bylander et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 113 (2)
Journal article

Period-tripling subharmonic oscillations in a driven superconducting resonator

Ida-Maria Svensson, Andreas Bengtsson, Philip Krantz et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 96 (17), p. 174503-
Journal article

Experimental Test of the Entanglement of Radiation Generated by the Dynamical Casimir Effect

Ben Schneider, Michael Roger Andre Simoen, Ida-Maria Svensson et al
2016 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (Piers), p. 2314-2314
Paper in proceeding

Twin paradox with macroscopic clocks in superconducting circuits

Joel Lindkvist, C. Sabin, I. Fuentes et al
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. Vol. 90 (5), p. Art. no. 052113-
Journal article

Storage and on-demand release of microwaves using superconducting resonators with tunable coupling

Mathieu Pierre, Ida-Maria Svensson, Sankar Raman Sathyamoorthy et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 104 (23), p. Art. Nr. 232604-
Journal article

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