Ilona Heldal
Showing 47 publications
Exploring Object Representations: Virtual Reality Models for Environmental Planning Projects
Assessing collaboration in virtual environments
The Influence of Visualization Technologies on Estimating Object Sizes and Colours
Sketching Techniques in Virtual Reality: Evaluation of Texturing in an Urban Planning Model
Virtual Reality As a New Tool in the City Planning Process
The Influence of Virtual Environment Technology on Estimating Object Sizes
The influence of the applied technologies on estimating graphical representations
Developing Sketching Techniques in Virtual Reality for Better Understanding Urban Planning Processes
Supporting participation in planning new roads by using virtual reality systems
The Usability of Collaborative Virtual Environments and Methods for the Analysis of Interaction
Factors influencing flow of object focussed collaboration in collaborative virtual environments
Are Two Heads Better than One? Object-focused Collaboration in Distributed Virtual Environments
Successes and Failures in Copresent Situations
Interaction Between Users of Immersion Projection Technology Systems
Interaction Fragments Influencing Collaboration in Distributed Immersive Virtual Environments
Using Virtual Reality Systems to Support Public Participation in Planning New Roads
Immersiveness and Symmetry in Copresent Scenarios
Evaluating Collaboration in Distributed Virtual Environments for a Puzzle-solving Task
The Usability of Collaborative Virtual Environments: Towards an Evaluation Framework
Time Design for Shared Virtual Environments
The Arbitrary Road from Reality to Virtual Reality
Usability Development for Collaborative Virtual Environments
To Increase Diversity Awareness in Computer Technology Education at Chalmers
Collaborative Activity Sequences Influencing Usability in Distributed Immersive Virtual Environments
Virtual Environments versus a Full-Scale model for examining colours and space
Is there a Trade-off between Presence and Copresence?
Collaboration and Effectiveness for Distributed Meetings
Usability of Collaborative Virtual Environments. Technical and Social Aspects
Strangers and Friends in Networked Immersive Environments: Virtual Spaces for Future Living
The Long-term Uses of Shared Virtual Environments. An Exploratory Study
Immersive Versus Desktop Multi-user Virtual Environments for Understanding Complex Models
On the Usability Concept for Collaborative Virtual Environments
Cubes in the Cube: A Comparison of a Puzzle-Soving Task in a Virtual and a Real Environment
Long-term Uses of Collaborative Virtual Environments
Collaborating in networked immersive spaces: as good as being there together?
A comparison of Virtual and Real Environments
The Collaborative Cube Puzzle: A Comparison of Virtual and Real Environments
Cubes in the Cube: A Comparison of Virtual and Real Environments
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