Ilona Heldal

Showing 47 publications


Exploring Object Representations: Virtual Reality Models for Environmental Planning Projects

Ilona Heldal, Mattias Roupé
Proceedings of the 2012 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, VSMM 2012: Virtual Systems in the Information Society, Milan, 2-5 September 2012, p. 149-156
Paper in proceeding

Using Naturalistic Decision Making to Understand Knowledge Barriers in Launching Telecommunication for Public Safety

Kaj Suneson, Ilona Heldal
12th European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM 2011, Passau, 1 - 2 September 2011. Vol. 2, p. 967-975
Paper in proceeding

Assessing collaboration in virtual environments

Ilona Heldal, Maria Spante
Challanges in the Evaluation of Usability and User Experience in Reality Based Interaction
Paper in proceeding

The Influence of Visualization Technologies on Estimating Object Sizes and Colours

Ilona Heldal, Lars Bråthe, Beata Stahre Wästberg
Initiative Chalmers: Den mänskliga faktorn...?, Göteborg, Sweden, October 7–8, 2008
Conference poster

Sketching Techniques in Virtual Reality: Evaluation of Texturing in an Urban Planning Model

Beata Stahre Wästberg, Susanne van Raalte, Ilona Heldal
VSMM ’08 – Conference on Virtual Systems and Multi Media, Limassol, Cyprus, October 20 – 26, 2008
Paper in proceeding

Virtual Reality Supporting Environmental Planning Processes: A Case Study of the City Library in Gothenburg.

Kaj Suneson, Carl Martin Allwood, Ilona Heldal et al
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 5179 LNAI (PART 3), p. 481-490
Paper in proceeding

Virtual Reality As a New Tool in the City Planning Process

Kaj Suneson, Carl Martin Allwood, Dan Paulin et al
Tsinghua Science and Technology. Vol. 13 (S1), p. 255-260
Journal article

The Influence of Virtual Environment Technology on Estimating Object Sizes

Ilona Heldal, Lars Bråthe, Beata Stahre Wästberg et al
VSMM ’08 – Conference on Virtual Systems and Multi Media, Limassol, Cyprus, October 20 – 26, 2008
Paper in proceeding

The influence of the applied technologies on estimating graphical representations

Ilona Heldal, Beata Stahre Wästberg, Maria Spante et al
Architectural Inquiries - Theories, methods and strategies in contemporary Nordic architectural research, Göteborg, Sweden, April 24–26, 2008
Other conference contribution

Developing Sketching Techniques in Virtual Reality for Better Understanding Urban Planning Processes

Beata Stahre Wästberg, Monica Billger, Ilona Heldal et al
Conference poster

Supporting participation in planning new roads by using virtual reality systems

Ilona Heldal
Virtual Reality. Vol. 11 (2-3), p. 145-159
Journal article

The Usability of Collaborative Virtual Environments and Methods for the Analysis of Interaction

Ralph Schroeder, Ilona Heldal, Jolanda Tromp
Journal of Presence. Vol. 15 (6), p. 655-667
Journal article

Factors influencing flow of object focussed collaboration in collaborative virtual environments

David Roberts, Ilona Heldal, Robin Wolff et al
Virtual Reality. Vol. 10 (2), p. 119-133
Journal article

Are Two Heads Better than One? Object-focused Collaboration in Distributed Virtual Environments

Ilona Heldal, Maria Spante, Mike Connell
13th ACM Symposium Virtual Reality Software and Technology, VRST'06; Limassol; Cyprus; 1 November 2006 through 3 November 2006, p. 287-296
Paper in proceeding

Successes and Failures in Copresent Situations

Ilona Heldal, Anthony Steed, Maria Spante et al
Journal Presence: Teleoperators in Virtual Environments. Vol. 14 (5), p. 563-579
Journal article

Interaction Between Users of Immersion Projection Technology Systems

Anthony Steed, David Roberts, Ralph Schroeder et al
Proceeding of HCI International 2005, the 11th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction
Journal article

Interaction Fragments Influencing Collaboration in Distributed Immersive Virtual Environments

Ilona Heldal, Lars Bråthe, Anthony Steed et al
Avatars at Work and Play: Activities Shared Virtual Environments
Book chapter

Using Virtual Reality Systems to Support Public Participation in Planning New Roads

Ilona Heldal, susanne van Raalte, Kristina Balot
Proceeding of the 11th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, VSMM2005, p. 76-89
Journal article

Immersiveness and Symmetry in Copresent Scenarios

Ilona Heldal, Ralph Schroeder, Anthony Steed et al
Proceeding of IEEE VR2005, p. 171-178
Journal article

Evaluating Collaboration in Distributed Virtual Environments for a Puzzle-solving Task

Ilona Heldal, Anthony Steed, Ralph Schroeder
Proceeding of at HCI International 2005, the 11th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction
Journal article

The Usability of Shared Virtual Environments: A Comparison of Three Studies and Outlook on the Future

Ralph Schroeder, Ilona Heldal
International Workshop on Designing and Evaluating Virtual Reality Systems, Nottingham University, January, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Paper in proceeding

Perception of Colour and Space in Virtual Reality: a comparison between a real room and virtual reality models

Monica Billger, Ilona Heldal, Beata Stahre Wästberg et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 5292, p. 90-98
Paper in proceeding

Time Design for Shared Virtual Environments

Ilona Heldal
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 24-29 April, Vienna, Austria.
Paper in proceeding

The Arbitrary Road from Reality to Virtual Reality

Monica Billger, Beata Stahre Wästberg, Ilona Heldal
Arquitectura 3000
Paper in proceeding

Usability Development for Collaborative Virtual Environments

Ilona Heldal
International Workshop on Designing and Evaluating Virtual Reality Systems, January, Nottingham University, Notthingham, United Kingdom
Paper in proceeding

To Increase Diversity Awareness in Computer Technology Education at Chalmers

Ilona Heldal, Sofia Bengtsson, Samuel Bengmark
2nd Nordic Symposium on Staff and Faculty Development in Engineering Education, November
Paper in proceeding

Collaborative Activity Sequences Influencing Usability in Distributed Immersive Virtual Environments

Ilona Heldal
10th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, November, Ogaki, Japan
Paper in proceeding

Diversity Awareness via Computer Games

Sofia Bengtsson, Ilona Heldal

The Treatment of Collaboration in the Usability Evaluation Models for Collaborative Virtual Environments

Ilona Heldal
10th International Conference on Human Computer Interactions, 22-27 June, Crete, Greece
Paper in proceeding

Virtual Environments versus a Full-Scale model for examining colours and space

Monica Billger, Ilona Heldal
Virtual Concept
Paper in proceeding

Is there a Trade-off between Presence and Copresence?

Maria Spante, Ilona Heldal, Ann-Sofie Axelsson et al
The 6th International Workshop on Presence, Aalborg, Denmark, October 6-8.
Paper in proceeding

Collaboration and Effectiveness for Distributed Meetings

Ilona Heldal, Lars Bråthe, Ralph Schroeder
12th International Word Wide Web Conference, 20-24 may, Budapest, Hungrary
Conference poster

Strangers and Friends in Caves: An Exploratory Study of Collaboration in Networked IPT Systems for Extended Periods of Time

Anthony Steed, Maria Spante, Ilona Heldal et al
Proceedings of Interactive 3D Graphics, Monterey, ACM, p. 51-54
Paper in proceeding

Strangers and Friends in Networked Immersive Environments: Virtual Spaces for Future Living

Maria Spante, Ilona Heldal, Ann-Sofie Axelsson et al
HOIT 2003, Irvine, April 6-8
Paper in proceeding

The Long-term Uses of Shared Virtual Environments. An Exploratory Study

Alexander Nilsson, Ilona Heldal, Ralph Schroeder et al
The Social Life of Avatars: Presence and interaction in Shared Virtual Environments, p. 112-126
Book chapter

Immersive Versus Desktop Multi-user Virtual Environments for Understanding Complex Models

Ilona Heldal, Ralph Schroeder
8th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, September, Gyeongju, Korea
Paper in proceeding

On the Usability Concept for Collaborative Virtual Environments

Ilona Heldal
7th European Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Bonn, Germany
Paper in proceeding

Cubes in the Cube: A Comparison of a Puzzle-Soving Task in a Virtual and a Real Environment

Ann-Sofie Axelsson, Åsa Abelin, Ilona Heldal et al
CyberPsychology & Behavior. Vol. 4 (2), p. 279-286
Journal article

Long-term Uses of Collaborative Virtual Environments

Ilona Heldal, Alexander Nilsson, Ralph Schroeder et al
European Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Bonn, Germany
Conference poster

Solving a 3D Cube Puzzle in a Collaborative Virtual Environment: As Good as Really Being There Together?

Anthony Steed, Ralph Schroeder, Ann-Sofie Axelsson et al
Siggraph, L.A. USA, August 12-17
Paper in proceeding

Collaborating in networked immersive spaces: as good as being there together?

Ralph Schroeder, Anthony Steed, Ann-Sofie Axelsson et al
Computers & Graphics. Vol. 25, p. 781-788
Journal article

A comparison of Virtual and Real Environments

Ralph Schroeder, Åsa Abelin, Ann-Sofie Axelsson et al
3rd International Workshop on Presence, 27-28 March, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Paper in proceeding

The Collaborative Cube Puzzle: A Comparison of Virtual and Real Environments

Josef Wideström, Ann-Sofie Axelsson, Ralph Schroeder et al
The 3rd Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVE), San Francisco, USA, September 10-12
Paper in proceeding

Cubes in the Cube: A Comparison of Virtual and Real Environments

Josef Wideström, Ann-Sofie Axelsson, Ralph Schroeder et al
The 3rd International Workshop on Presence, Delft University of Technology Delft, The Netherlands, 27-28 March
Paper in proceeding

Collaboration and communication in multi-user virtual environments: A comparison of desktop and immersive virtual reality systems for molecular visualization

Ann-Sofie Axelsson, Åsa Abelin, Ilona Heldal et al
Proceedings of The Sixth UKVRSIG Conference, Salford University, Salford UK, p. 107-117
Paper in proceeding

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