Irina Pettersson

Associate Professor at Applied Mathematics and Statistics

My research concerns asymptotic analysis and homogenization of partial differential operators. The problems originate often in mathematical physics and describe phenomena like electromagnetic wave scattering on small particles and heat transfer.

In the classical homogenization theory, one studies mixtures of materials with different properties. Such mixtures might have two scales: a microscopic scale describing the microstructure of the heterogeneous material and a macroscopic scale representing the size of the material. The homogenization theory provides tools to rigorously substitute the heterogeneous material with microstructure by a new homogeneous material. The properties of the new homogeneous material are called effective (homogenized) and the resulting equations are often easier to solve than the original equations. One well-known example is a derivation of the Darcy law for transport in porous media from Navier-Stokes equations.

Now I am interested in signal propagation in neurons, and I am working on the derivation of a 1D nonlinear cable equation from a 3D-model based on the Hodgkin-Huxley model of current flow through ionic channels in neural membrane.

Image of Irina Pettersson

Showing 6 publications



Isabel A. Martinez, Carlos Jerez-Hanckes, Irina Pettersson
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing. Vol. 46 (6), p. B953-B980
Journal article

Numerical Validation of Optimization Approach for Solution of Coefficient Inverse Problem in Pseudo-Frequency Domain

Andrei Karzhou, Irina Pettersson, Larisa Beilina et al
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. Vol. 429, p. 199-213
Paper in proceeding

Bidomain Model for Axon Bundles with Random Geometry

Irina Pettersson, Antonina Rybalko, Volodymyr Rybalko
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. Vol. 429, p. 93-116
Paper in proceeding

Derivation of a bidomain model for bundles of myelinated axons

Carlos Jerez-Hanckes, Isabel A. Martínez Ávila, Irina Pettersson et al
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. Vol. 70
Journal article

A Feedforward Neural Network for Modeling of Average Pressure Frequency Response

Klas Pettersson, Andrei Karzhou, Irina Pettersson
Acoustics Australia. Vol. 50 (2), p. 185-201
Journal article

Multiscale analysis of myelinated axons

Carlos Jerez-Hanckes, Isabel A. Martinez, Irina Pettersson et al
SEMA SIMAI Springer Series. Vol. 10, p. 17-35
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


EINervio - Modeling of ephaptic coupling of myelinated neurons

Irina Pettersson Analysis and Probability Theory
The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT)

1 publication exists
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