Jan Paulsson

Showing 14 publications


Perceived safety in extra-care housing for senior residents

Lisbeth Lindahl, Morgan Andersson, Jan Paulsson
Journal of Housing for the Elderly. Vol. 32 (1), p. 58-72
Journal article

Debatt – Hög tid för socialt bostadsbyggande.

Anna Braide, Inga Malmqvist, Jan Paulsson et al
Tidskriften Plan - Planering av stad och land. (2017/4), p. 46-47
Magazine article

The use of common spaces in assisted living schemes for older persons: a comparison of somatic and dementia units

Morgan Andersson, Jan Paulsson, Inga Malmqvist et al
Ageing and Society. Vol. 36 (4), p. 837-859
Journal article

Group homes and groups of homes: Alternative housing concepts and their application to elderly people with dementia in Sweden

Catarina Almberg, Jan Paulsson
Design intervention (Routledge Revivals): Toward a more humane architecture, p. 223-238
Book chapter

The Stockholm Conferences. Design for All in Public Transport & Design for All in Education. Maj 2004

Jan Paulsson
The Nordic Council on Disability Policy
Book chapter

Rum för äldre

Jan Paulsson
Goda miljöer och aktiviteter för äldre. Vårdlitt. 62. / Wijk, H
Book chapter

UDEP-S: Universal Design Education Project–Sweden

Jan Paulsson
A short report to the EIDD European Conferences
Other conference contribution

Design för alla utbildning = Universal design education

Jan Paulsson, Kristina Sahlqvist

SENIOR COHOUSING IN DENMARK AND SWEDEN. Characteristics of Residents, Motives for Moving To and Evaluative Outcomes

Jan Paulsson, Jung Shin Choi
Paper for ENHR 2004 Conference
Other conference contribution

Art, Architecture and Design. Notes on the Nature and Contents of Nordic Models during the 20th Century.

Jan Paulsson
What is the Nordic Model? CPAS (Centre for Pacific Asia Studies) Symposium, Stockholm University, August 15-17, 2003
Other conference contribution

Vigs Ängar and Egnahemsbolagets detached houses in Skintebo

Jan Paulsson
Eco- Housing. Living together with the nature, p. 163-189
Book chapter

Seniorboende - aktuell kunskapsutveckling

Jan Paulsson
Fastighetsnytt (2)
Magazine article

A Study of Life and Physical Environment of Senior Cohousing in Scandinavian Countries, with Significance for Fututre Quality of Life in European and East Asian Countries. (manuscript August 2003)

J.S. Choi, Jan Paulsson
What is the Nordic Model? CPAS (Centre for Pacific Asia Studies) Symposium
Other conference contribution

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