Frédéric Jaron

Showing 8 publications


Cross-Polarization Gain Calibration of Linearly Polarized VLBI Antennas by Observations of 4C 39.25

Frédéric Jaron, Ivan Marti-Vidal, Matthias Schartner et al
Radio Science. Vol. 59 (4)
Journal article

Precession-induced Variability in AGN Jets and OJ 287

Silke Britzen, Michal Zajacek, Gopal Krishna None et al
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 951 (2)
Journal article

Current Status of the EU-VGOS Project

Ezequiel Albentosa, Walter Alef, Simone Bernhardt et al
International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2022 General Meeting Proceedings. Vol. NASA/ CP–20220018789, p. 85-89
Paper in proceeding

Radio/X-ray correlations and variability in the X-ray binary LS I +61°303

R. Sharma, M. Massi, M. Chernyakova et al
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 500 (3), p. 4166-4172
Journal article

Considerations of VLBI transmitters on Galileo satellites

Ahmad Jaradat, Frédéric Jaron, J. Gruber et al
Advances in Space Research. Vol. 68 (3), p. 1281-1300
Journal article

Geodetic data analysis of VGOS experiments

Walter Alef, Yngvild L. Andalsvik, J. M. Anderson et al
2021 34th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, URSI GASS 2021
Paper in proceeding

A ring accelerator? Unusual jet dynamics in the IceCube candidate PKS 1502+106

S. Britzen, C. Fendt, A. Tramacere et al
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 503 (3), p. 3145-3178
Journal article

Position determination of the Chang’e 3 lander with geodetic VLBI

Grzegorz Klopotek, Thomas Hobiger, Rüdiger Haas et al
Earth, Planets and Space. Vol. 71 (1)
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