Jan Askne
As Professor Emeritus Jans research is nowadays related to properties of forests as derived from interferometric synthetic aperture radar.

Showing 37 publications
Non-linear inversion of Odin sub-mm observations in the lower stratosphere by neural networks
On the Sensitivity of TanDEM-X-Observations to Boreal Forest Structure
On the Estimation of Boreal Forest Biomass From TanDEM-X Data Without Training Samples
Model-Based Biomass Estimation of a Hemi-Boreal Forest from Multitemporal TanDEM-X Acquisitions
Experiences in boreal forest stem volume estimation from multitemporal C-band InSAR
Examples of thematic mapping with ERS-Envisat tandem cross-interferometry
Sea Ice Monitoring in the Arctic and Baltic Sea Using SAR
Observations, modelling and applications of ERS-ENVISAT coherence over land surfaces
Selection of forest stands for stem volume retrieval from stable ERS tandem InSAR observations
Boreal forest stem volume estimation from multitemporal C-band InSAR observations
ERS and ENVISAT SAR coherence properties of boreal forests
Assessment of standwise stem volume retrieval in boreal forest from JERS-1 L-band SAR backscatter
ERS-ENVISAT coherence properties of land cover
Multitemporal Repeat Pass SAR Interferometry of Boreal Forests
Remote Sensing at the Department of Radio and Space Science, Chalmers University of Technology
Stem Volume Retrieval with Spaceborne L-band Repeat-Pass Coherence
Tree height influence on ERS interferometric phase in boreal forest
L-Band Observations of Boreal Forest Stem Volume
Interferometric InSAR Observations of Boreal Forest Stands
Remote Sensing Using Microwaves - does a Web-based Collaborative Course Serve a Purpose?
Evaluation of JERS-1 L-band SAR Backscatter for Stem Volume Retrieval in Boreal Forest
Multitemporal repeat-pass SAR interferometry of boreal forests
Measurements of atmospheric water vapor with microwave radiometry
Contributions to the theory of linear and nonlinear wave propagation in dispersive media
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