Jonatan Bergek

Showing 7 publications


Formation of titanium dioxide core-shell microcapsules through a binary-phase spray technique

Jonatan Bergek, Björn Neo Esbjörnsson Elgh, Anders Palmqvist et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 19 (35), p. 23878-23886
Journal article

Controlled release of a microencapsulated arduous semi-hydrophobic active from coatings: Superhydrophilic polyelectrolyte shells as globally rate-determining barriers

Jonatan Bergek, Markus Andersson Trojer, H. Uhr et al
Journal of Controlled Release. Vol. 225, p. 31-39
Journal article

Use of microcapsules as controlled release devices for coatings

Markus Andersson Trojer, Lars Nordstierna, Jonatan Bergek et al
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. Vol. 222, p. 18-43
Review article

Controlled release of microencapsulated 2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one from coatings: Effect of microscopic and macroscopic pores

Jonatan Bergek, Markus Andersson Trojer, Alberta Mok et al
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. Vol. 458 (1), p. 155-167
Journal article

Charged microcapsules for controlled release of hydrophobic actives. Part III: The effect of polyelectrolyte brush- and multilayers on sustained release

Markus Andersson Trojer, Helena Andersson, Ye Li et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 15 (17), p. 6153-6165
Journal article

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