Jennie Björk

Showing 11 publications


Innovation & Entrepeneurship

Dag Henrik Bergsjö, Jennie Björk
Edited book

Analyzing and realizing collective ideation in firms

Jennie Björk
Doctoral thesis

The Impact of Social Capital on Ideation - untapping the knowledge creation potential of internal networks

Jennie Björk, Fausto Di Vincenzo, Mats Magnusson et al
Dime conference - Organizing for Networked Innovation
Paper in proceeding

Ideation Capabilities for Continuous Innovation

Jennie Björk, Mats Magnusson, Paolo Boccardelli
Creativity and Innovation Management. Vol. 19 (4), p. 385-396
Journal article

Idea management systems for a changing innovation landscape

Christian Sandström, Jennie Björk
International Journal of Product Development. Vol. 11 (3/4), p. 310-324
Journal article

Dual-connected Individuals in Ideation

Jennie Björk
the 11th International CINet Conference - Practicing innovation in times of discontinuity
Paper in proceeding

Ideation capabilities for continuous innovation

Jennie Björk, P. Boccardelli, Mats Magnusson
presented at the 10th CINet conference, September 5-8, 2009, Brisbane, Australia.
Paper in proceeding

Where do good innovation ideas come from?: Exploring the influence of network connectivity on innovation idea quality

Jennie Björk, Mats Magnusson
Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol. 26 (6), p. 662-670
Journal article

Ideation performance in projects and informal groups

Jennie Björk, Mats Magnusson
the 1st ISPIM Symposium - Managing Innovation in a Connected World - held in Singapore on 15-17 December 2008.
Paper in proceeding

Where do good innovation ideas come from?,

Jennie Björk, Mats Magnusson
in proceedings of the 15th International Product Development Management Conference, June 29-July 1, 2008, Hamburg, Germany.
Paper in proceeding

Heterogeneity and performance in innovation idea networks

Jennie Björk, Mats Magnusson
the 9th CINet conference, September 6-9, 2008, Valencia, Spain.
Paper in proceeding

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