Jenny Trumars

Showing 10 publications


Wave Loads on Wind-Power Plants in Deep and Shallow Water

Lars Bergdahl, Jenny Trumars, Claes Eskilsson
Wind energy, Proceedings of the Eoromech Colloquium, Springer, Oldenburg, 4-7 October, 2005, Editors J. Pienke, S.Barth and P. Schaumann, p. 7-13
Paper in proceeding

Våglaster på vindkraftverk till havs

Lars Bergdahl, Jenny Trumars, Hans Ganander

Wave Loads on Offshore Wind Power Plants

Jenny Trumars
Doctoral thesis

The Effect of Wind and Wave Misalignment on the Response of a Wind Turbine at Bockstigen

Jenny Trumars, Johan Jonsson, Lars Bergdahl
25TH International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2006; Hamburg; Germany; 4 June 2006 through 9 June 2006. Vol. 2006
Paper in proceeding

Fatigue loads on offshore wind turbines due to weakly non-linear waves

Jenny Trumars, Niels Jacob Tarp-Johansen, Thomas Krogh
Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. Vol. 2, p. 483-492
Paper in proceeding

The Effect of Wave Modelling on Offshore Wind Turbine Fatigue Loads

Jenny Trumars, Niels Jacob Tarp-Johansen, Thomas Krogh
Procedings of Copenhagen Offshore Wind 2005
Magazine article

Extreme non-linear wave forces on a monopile in shallow water

Jenny Trumars, Johan Jonsson, Lars Bergdahl
OMAE Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Vol. 22
Paper in proceeding

The effect of wave non-linerarity on the forces on a wind turbine foundation in shallow water

Jenny Trumars, Johan Jonsson, Lars Bergdahl
Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, 16 - 19 June, 2003, Madrid, Spain
Other conference contribution

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