Jonas German

Showing 15 publications


Modelling of different measures for improving removal in a storm pond

K. Jansons, Gilbert Svensson, D. Karlsson et al
Water Science and Technology. Vol. 52 (5), p. 105-112
Journal article

Modelling of different measures for improving removal in a stormwater pond

Jonas German, Ketah Jansons, Gilbert Svensson et al
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, p. 477-484
Paper in proceeding

Evaluating the Impact of Imperfect Mixing on the Performance of Stormwater Treatment Ponds

Ketah Jansons, Jonas German, T Howes
International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Cities As Catchments, p. 471-479
Paper in proceeding

Dagvattendammars avskiljningsförmåga – påverkande faktorer och metodik för bedömning

Maria Vikström, Lars-Göran Gustafsson, Jonas German et al

Modelling of temperature effects on removal efficiency and dissolved oxygen concentrations in stormwater ponds.

Jonas German, Gilbert Svensson, Lars-Göran Gustafsson et al
Water Science and Technology. Vol. 48 (9), p. 145-154
Journal article

The relation between stormwater and sediment quality in stormwater ponds

Jonas German, Gilbert Svensson
Strecker, E. W. and Huber, W. C., Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Portland, Oregon, USA, September 8-13
Paper in proceeding

Metal content and particle size distribution of street sediments and street sweeping waste

Jonas German, Gilbert Svensson
Water Science and Technology. Vol. 46 (6-7), p. 191-198
Journal article

Stormwater sediments, removal and characteristics

Jonas German
Licentiate thesis

Transport of stormwater pollution - from the source to the stream

Jonas German, Cecilia Engvall, Åsa Adamsson et al
In: Proc. Novatech 2001, 4th international conference on Innovative technologies in urban storm drainage, Lyon, France, 25-27 June 2001
Paper in proceeding

Stormwater Sediments, Removal and Characterisrics

Jonas German
Licentiate thesis

Street sweeping as a pollutant control measure

Jonas German, Gilbert Svensson
Proceedings of the 4th international conference on innovative technologies in urban drainage, Lyon, France, June 25-27. Vol. 1, p. 383-390
Paper in proceeding

Pollutant removal efficiency in two stormwater ponds in Sweden

Thomas Pettersson, Jonas German, Gilbert Svensson
In: Proc. 8th International Conference on Urban Storm Drainage, Sydney, Australia, 30 August-3 September 1999. Vol. 2, p. 866-873
Paper in proceeding

Modelling of flow pattern and particle removal in an open stormwater detention pond

Thomas Pettersson, Jonas German, Gilbert Svensson
In: Proc. HydraStorm’98, Adelaide, Australia, 27-30 September 1998, p. 63-68
Paper in proceeding

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