Jianqiang Li

Showing 15 publications


Statistical description of turbulent transport for flux driven toroidal plasmas

Johan Anderson, K. Imadera, Y. Kishimoto et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 57 (6), p. art. no. 066013 -
Journal article

Spectrum Superposition Based Chromatic Dispersion Estimation for Digital Coherent Receivers

Yao Shuchang, Tobias Eriksson, S Fu et al
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2014; Cannes; France; 21 September 2014 through 25 September 2014, p. P.3.17-
Paper in proceeding

Low-Complexity Duobinary Signaling and Detection for Sensitivity Improvement in Nyquist-WDM Coherent System

Jianqiang Li, Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Magnus Karlsson et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Paper in proceeding

Influence of Fiber-Bragg Grating-Induced Group-Delay Ripple in High-Speed Transmission Systems

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Jianqiang Li, Tobias Eriksson et al
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 4 (6), p. 514-521
Journal article

625 Gbit/s Superchannel Consisting of Interleaved DP-16QAM and DP-QPSK with 4.17 bit/s/Hz Spectral Efficiency

Tobias Eriksson, Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Jianqiang Li et al
European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, paper P4.11
Paper in proceeding

Transmission of 3×224 Gbit/s DP-16QAM signals with (up to) 7.2 bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency in SMF-EDFA links

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Jianqiang Li, Tobias Eriksson et al
2012 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, OFC/NFOEC 2012, Los Angeles, CA, 4 March through 8 March 2012, p. Art. no. 6192199-
Paper in proceeding

Exploiting the Faster-Than-Nyquist Concept in Wavelength-Division Multiplexing Systems Using Duobinary Shaping

Jianqiang Li, Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Magnus Karlsson et al
ZTE Communications. Vol. 10 (1), p. 23-29
Journal article

Building up low-complexity spectrally-efficient Terabit superchannels by receiver-side duobinary shaping

Jianqiang Li, Martin E Sjödin, Magnus Karlsson et al
Optics Express. Vol. 20 (9), p. 10271-10282
Journal article

Comparison of 128-SP-QAM with PM-16-QAM

Martin E Sjödin, Pontus Johannisson, Jianqiang Li et al
Optics Express. Vol. 20 (8), p. 8356-8366
Journal article

Performance Comparisons of DP-16QAM and Duobinary-Shaped DP-QPSK for Optical Systems With 4.1 Bit/s/Hz Spectral Efficiency

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Jianqiang Li, Magnus Karlsson et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 30 (14), p. 2307-2314
Journal article

1.94Tb/s (11×176Gb/s) DP-16QAM superchannel transmission over 640km EDFA-only SSMF and two 280GHz WSSs

Jianqiang Li, Magnus Karlsson, Peter Andrekson
2012 38th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communications, ECOC 2012; Amsterdam; Netherlands; 16 September 2012 through 20 September 2012
Paper in proceeding

How shall we design the future vehicle for Chinese market

Fang Chen, Minjuan Wang, X. C. Zhu et al
Work. Vol. 41 (Supplement: 1), p. 4265-4272
Journal article

Approaching Nyquist Limit in WDM Systems by Low-Complexity Receiver-Side Duobinary Shaping

Jianqiang Li, Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Tobias Eriksson et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 30 (11), p. 1664 - 1676
Journal article

Transmission of 1.936 Tb/s (11 x 176 Gb/s) DP-16QAM superchannel signals over 640 km SSMF with EDFA only and 300 GHz WSS channel

Jianqiang Li, Magnus Karlsson, Peter Andrekson et al
Optics Express. Vol. 20 (26), p. B223-B231
Journal article

Mitigation of Fiber Bragg Grating-Induced Group-Delay Ripple in 112 Gbit/s DP-QPSK Coherent Systems

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Jianqiang Li, Tobias Eriksson et al
National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, NFOEC 2012; Los Angeles, CA; United States; 4 March 2012 through 8 March 2012
Paper in proceeding

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