Joakim Andersson

Doctoral Student at Supply and Operations Management

Joakim Andersson is an Industrial PhD Student at the division Supply and Operations Management department. He is employed by Volvo Group.

Image of Joakim Andersson

Showing 6 publications


Spare Parts Demand Prediction by Using a Random Forest Approach

Joakim Andersson, E. Siminos
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 691 AICT, p. 793-804
Paper in proceeding

Sales and operations execution: An explorative study on potential effects

Joakim Andersson, Patrik Jonsson, Hafez Shurrab
Proceedings of the Nofoma conference 2020
Paper in proceeding

Big data analytics challenges in aftermarket supply chains

Joakim Andersson, Patrik Jonsson, Arni Halldorsson
Proceedings of the 30th Annual NOFOMA Conference: Relevant Logistics and Supply Chain Management Research
Paper in proceeding

Big Data in spare parts supply chains: The potential of using product-in-use data in aftermarket demand planning

Joakim Andersson, Patrik Jonsson
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. Vol. 48 (5), p. 524-544
Journal article

Connected vehicle data in demand planning: A proposal of interventions in an aftermarket context

Joakim Andersson, Patrik Jonsson, Arni Halldorsson
Proceedings of the Nofoma conference 2017
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 2 research projects


REAL: Building resilience: Aligning supply chain reconfiguration and dynamic planning

Patrik Jonsson Supply and Operations Management
Gabriella Gatenholm Service Management and Logistics
Joakim Andersson Supply and Operations Management
Sahil Ahmed Supply and Operations Management
Arni Halldorsson Service Management and Logistics
Hafez Shurrab Supply and Operations Management

4 publications exist

Utilizing connected vehicle data in future aftermarket supply chain planning

Joakim Andersson Supply and Operations Management
Arni Halldorsson Service Management and Logistics
Patrik Jonsson Supply and Operations Management
Volvo Group

1 publication exists
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