Joby Sebastian

Showing 6 publications


Upgrading of triglycerides, pyrolysis oil, and lignin over metal sulfide catalysts: A review on the reaction mechanism, kinetics, and catalyst deactivation

You Wayne Cheah, Muhammad Abdus Salam, Joby Sebastian et al
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Vol. 11 (3)
Review article

Slurry co-hydroprocessing of Kraft lignin and pyrolysis oil over unsupported NiMoS catalyst: A strategy for char suppression

You Wayne Cheah, Rawipa Intakul, Muhammad Abdus Salam et al
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 475
Journal article

Recent advances in hydrogenation of CO2 into hydrocarbons via methanol intermediate over heterogeneous catalysts

Poonam Sharma, Joby Sebastian, Sreetama Ghosh et al
Catalysis Science and Technology. Vol. 11 (5), p. 1665-1697
Review article

Experimental and kinetic modeling studies of methanol synthesis from CO<inf>2</inf> hydrogenation using In<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> catalyst

Sreetama Ghosh, Joby Sebastian, Louise Olsson et al
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 416
Journal article

The promotor and poison effects of the inorganic elements of kraft lignin during hydrotreatment over nimos catalyst

Joby Sebastian, You Wayne Cheah, Diana Bernin et al
Catalysts. Vol. 11 (8)
Journal article

Thermal annealing effects on hydrothermally synthesized unsupported MoS2 for enhanced deoxygenation of propylguaiacol and kraft lignin

You Wayne Cheah, Muhammad Abdus Salam, Joby Sebastian et al
Sustainable Energy and Fuels. Vol. 5 (20), p. 5270-5286
Journal article

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