Joel André Slunitschek

Doctoral Student at Building Services Engineering

Joel Slunitschek's research focuses on overheating in multi-residential buildings in Nordic countries. The work focuses on occupant thermal comfort, technical climate adaptation and thermal resilience of apartments. The research aims to identify correlations between overheating metrics and building properties as well as the development of short- and long-term strategies to prevent or mitigate indoor overheating.

Image of Joel André Slunitschek
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Showing 2 research projects


Adaptation of multi-family buildings to extreme heat

Despoina Teli Building Services Engineering
Paula Femenias Building Design
Martine Buser Building Design
Marli Swanepoel Building Design
Joel André Slunitschek Building Services Engineering
Kaj Granath Building Design
Swedish Energy Agency


Effects, measures and solutions for resilient housing to extreme heat

Despoina Teli Building Services Engineering
Martine Buser Building Design
Paula Femenias Building Design
Joel André Slunitschek Building Services Engineering
Marli Swanepoel Building Design
Kaj Granath Building Design

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