Jonathan Ullmark

Showing 8 publications


Frequency reserves and inertia in the transition to future electricity systems

Jonathan Ullmark, Lisa Göransson, Filip Johnsson
Energy Systems. Vol. 15 (4), p. 1527-1560
Journal article

Potential Revenue from Reserve Market Participation in Wind Power- and Solar Power-Dominated Electricity Grids: The Near-Term, Mid-Term, and Long-Term

Jonathan Ullmark, Lisa Göransson, Filip Johnsson
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 2024
Journal article

Actuating the European Energy System Transition: Indicators for Translating Energy Systems Modelling Results into Policy-Making

Mariliis Lehtveer, Lisa Göransson, Verena Heinisch et al
Frontiers in Energy Research. Vol. 9
Journal article

Inclusion of frequency control constraints in energy system investment modeling

Jonathan Ullmark, Lisa Göransson, Peiyuan Chen et al
Renewable Energy. Vol. 173, p. 249-262
Journal article

Impacts of thermal energy storage on the management of variable demand and production in electricity and district heating systems: a Swedish case study

Petra Holmér, Jonathan Ullmark, Lisa Göransson et al
International Journal of Sustainable Energy. Vol. 39 (5), p. 446-464
Journal article

Frequency control and synthetic inertia in energy systems modelling

Jonathan Ullmark, Massimo Bongiorno, Peiyuan Chen et al

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