Jorge Fernandez Pendas

Research Specialist at Applied Quantum Physics

Jorge Fernández Pendás is a researcher working on the modeling and optimal control of superconducting qubits. His interests are broad and include many other aspects of theoretical physics, with a special emphasis on their computational side. Some of his previous works dealt with topics such as quantum anomalies, quantum transport phenomena and topological matter.

Jorge started as a postdoc at Chalmers in December 2019, few weeks after receiving his PhD in Theoretical Physics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He is a member of the Applied Quantum Physics Laboratory, at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, and is also part of the Quantum Computing Theory division of the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology. Furthermore, he is involved in OpenSuperQ, the European consortium to build an open superconducting quantum computer.

Image of Jorge Fernandez Pendas

Showing 6 publications


Signal Crosstalk in a Flip-Chip Quantum Processor

Sandoko Kosen, Hangxi Li, Marcus Rommel et al
PRX Quantum. Vol. 5 (3)
Journal article

Extensive characterization and implementation of a family of three-qubit gates at the coherence limit

Christopher Warren, Jorge Fernández-Pendás, Shahnawaz Ahmed et al
npj Quantum Information. Vol. 9 (1)
Journal article

Mitigation of frequency collisions in superconducting quantum processors

Amr Osman, Jorge Fernández-Pendás, Christopher Warren et al
Physical Review Research. Vol. 5 (4)
Journal article

Universal Fidelity Reduction of Quantum Operations from Weak Dissipation

Tahereh Abad, Jorge Fernández-Pendás, Anton Frisk Kockum et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 129 (15)
Journal article

Building blocks of a flip-chip integrated superconducting quantum processor

Sandoko Kosen, Hangxi Li, Marcus Rommel et al
Quantum Science and Technology. Vol. 7 (3)
Journal article

Fast Multiqubit Gates through Simultaneous Two-Qubit Gates

Xiu Gu, Jorge Fernández-Pendás, Pontus Vikstål et al
PRX Quantum. Vol. 2 (4)
Journal article

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