Julia Maibach

Assistant Professor at Materials Physics

I joined the Division of Materials Physics in October 2022. I previously worked at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) and Uppsala University and hold a PhD in Materials Science from Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany).

I study interface phenomena at the contact of electrode and electrolyte in energy storage systems like lithium and post-lithium-ion batteries. We use and develop classical and operando photoelectron spectroscopy to follow reactions at critical interfaces such the contact between electrode and electrolyte in a battery under working conditions. Our aim is to establish interfacial structure/property relationships that lead to improved materials and interface design.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 5 publications


Unraveling Propylene Oxide Formation in Alkali Metal Batteries

Daniel Stottmeister, Leonie Wildersinn, Julia Maibach et al
ChemSusChem. Vol. 17 (3)
Journal article

Multiscale Investigation of Sodium-Ion Battery Anodes: Analytical Techniques and Applications

David Schäfer, Kie Hankins, Michelle Allion et al
Advanced Energy Materials. Vol. 14 (15)
Journal article

Why Half-Cell Samples Provide Limited Insight Into the Aging Mechanisms of Potassium Batteries

Fabian Jeschull, Elmar Kataev, Iurii Panasenko et al
Advanced Energy Materials. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Toward Operando Characterization of Interphases in Batteries

Julia Maibach, Josef Rizell, Aleksandar Matic et al
ACS Materials Letters. Vol. 5 (9), p. 2431-2444
Review article

Near ambient pressure-x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectra of lithium bis (trifluoromethane-sulfonyl) imide in propylene carbonate

Paul M. Dietrich, Lydia Gerlein, Julia Maibach et al
Surface Science Spectra. Vol. 30 (1)
Journal article

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