Anna Fermvik

Showing 28 publications


Synthesis and Screening of t-Bu-CyMe4-BTBP, and Comparison with CyMe4-BTBP

Teodora Retegan Vollmer, M. Drew, Christian Ekberg et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 32 (7), p. 720-736
Journal article

Radiolysis of C5-BTBP in cyclohexanone irradiated in the absence and precence of an aqueous phase

Anna Fermvik, Emma Aneheim, B. Gruner et al
Radiochimica Acta. Vol. 100 (4), p. 273-282
Journal article

Semi-quantitative and quantitative studies on the gamma radiolysis of C5-BTBP

Anna Fermvik, B. Gruner, M. Kvicalova et al
Radiochimica Acta. Vol. 99 (2), p. 113-119
Journal article

Comparison of the effect of alpha and gamma radiolysis on the extraction of americium by C5-BTBP in cyclohexanone.

Anna Fermvik
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. 289 (3), p. 811-817
Journal article

A TBP/BTBP-based GANEX Separation ProcessPart 2: Ageing, Hydrolytic, and Radiolytic Stability

Emma Aneheim, Christian Ekberg, Anna Fermvik et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 29 (2), p. 157-175
Journal article

Using At-211 as internal alpha radiolysis source allowing for simple detection of radiolysis products

Christian Ekberg, Emma Aneheim, Anna Fermvik et al
Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 79 (4), p. 454-456
Journal article

Radiolytic Degradation of Heterocyclic Nitrogen Containing Ligands from Low Dose-Rate Gamma Sources

Anna Fermvik, M. Nilsson, Christian Ekberg
ACS Symposium Series. Vol. 1046, p. 215-229
Paper in proceeding

A TBP/BTBP-based GANEX Separation Process. Part 1: Feasibility

Emma Aneheim, Christian Ekberg, Anna Fermvik et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 28 (4), p. 437-458
Journal article

Development of a Novel GANEX Process

Emma Aneheim, Christian Ekberg, Anna Fermvik et al
ACS Symposium Series. Vol. 1046, p. 119-130
Paper in proceeding

Thermodynamics of Dissolution for Bis(triazine)-Bipyridine-Class Ligands in Different Diluents and Its Reflection on Extraction

Christian Ekberg, Emma Aneheim, Anna Fermvik et al
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. Vol. 55 (11), p. 5133-5137
Journal article

Partitioning and Transmutation Annual Report 2008

Emma Aneheim, Christian Ekberg, Anna Fermvik et al

Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Investigation of BTBP - Lanthanide(III) and Actinide(III) Complexes

Teodora Retegan Vollmer, L. Berthon, Christian Ekberg et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 27 (5-6), p. 663-682
Journal article

Influence of dose rate on the radiolytic stability of a BTPB solvent for actinide(III)/lanthanide(III) separation

Anna Fermvik, Christian Ekberg, Sofie Englund et al
Radiochimica Acta. Vol. 97 (6), p. 1-6
Journal article

Radiolysis of solvents containing C5-BTBP: identification of degradation products and their dependence on absorbed dose and dose rate

Anna Fermvik, Laurence Berthon, Christian Ekberg et al
Dalton Transactions. Vol. 32, p. 6421-6430
Journal article

The Effect of Irradiation on Extraction of Various Metals by C5-BPBP

Anna Fermvik, Christian Ekberg, Mark Foreman et al
Proceedings pf ISEC 2008. Vol. 1, p. 551-556
Journal article

Partitioning and Transmutation Annual Report 2007

Emma Aneheim, Christian Ekberg, Sofie Englund et al

Acomparative study of some BTP and BTBP class ligands

Teodora Retegan Vollmer, Christian Ekberg, Anna Fermvik et al
Proceedings of ISEC 2008. Vol. 1, p. 545-550
Journal article

Transmutation.Current developments- 2007. A report from Swedish reference group for P&T

Per-Erik Ahlström, Jakob Blomgren, Sofie Englund et al

An Overview and Historic Look Back at the Solvent Extraction Using Nitrogen Donor Ligands to Extract and Separate An(III) from Ln(III

Christian Ekberg, Anna Fermvik, Teodora Retegan Vollmer et al
Radiochim. Acta
Journal article

Extraction of actinides with different 6,60-bis(5,6-dialkyl-[1,2,4]-triazin-3-yl)[2,20]-bipyridines (BTBPs)

Teodora Retegan Vollmer, Christian Ekberg, Isabelle Dubois et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 25 (4), p. 417-431
Journal article

Effect of Diluents on Extraction of Actinides and Lanthanides

Teodora Retegan Vollmer, Christian Ekberg, Anna Fermvik et al
Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management
Journal article

Radiolysis and Ageing of C2-BTP in Cinnamaldehyde/Hexanol mixtures

Anna Fermvik, Christian Ekberg, Teodora Retegan Vollmer et al
Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management
Journal article

The Behaviour of Organic Solvents Containing C5-BTBP and CyMe4-BTBP at Low Irradiation Doses

Teodora Retegan Vollmer, Christian Ekberg, Sofie Englund et al
Radiochim. Acta. Vol. 95(11) (95(11)), p. 637-642
Journal article

Extraction behaviour of nickel(II) using some of the BTBP-class ligands

Christian Ekberg, Isabelle Dubois, Anna Fermvik et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 25(11) (25(11)), p. 603-617
Journal article

Partitioning and Transmutation Annual Report 2006

Isabelle Dubois, Christian Ekberg, Sofie Englund et al

Partitioning and Transmutation Annual Report 2005

Stefan Andersson, Christian Ekberg, Anna Fermvik et al
SKB report R-06-45
Magazine article

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