Xiaoming Kan

Postdoc at Physical Resource Theory

Xiaoming Kan is a Post doc researcher at the Division of Physical Resource Theory. His research focuses on modelling of policies and investments for a large-scale introduction of variable renewable power production, which is part of ENSYSTRA (energy systems in transition) training network. The main objective of his research is to evaluate investments and variation management strategies that are cost-effective to use in a renewable power system and assess policies that can foster such a system. His research interests lie in the field of modelling of energy systems and energy markets.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 8 publications


Chasing the eternal sun: Does a global super grid favor the deployment of solar power?

Xiaoming Kan, Fredrik Hedenus, Lina Reichenberg
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 211
Journal article

Electricity Market Impacts of Low-carbon Energy Transition in the Nordic-Baltic Region

Anahita Farsaei, Ville Olkkonen, Xiaoming Kan et al
Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. Vol. 10 (3)
Journal article

Into a cooler future with electricity generated from solar photovoltaic

Xiaoming Kan, Fredrik Hedenus, Lina Reichenberg et al
iScience. Vol. 25 (5)
Journal article

Design matters: New insights on optimizing energy consumption for residential buildings

Weili Sheng, Xiaoming Kan, Bo Wen et al
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 242
Journal article

The cost of a future low-carbon electricity system without nuclear power – the case of Sweden

Xiaoming Kan, Fredrik Hedenus, Lina Reichenberg
Energy. Vol. 195
Journal article

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