Kavan Javanroodi

Showing 13 publications


Combining computational fluid dynamics and neural networks to characterize microclimate extremes: Learning the complex interactions between meso-climate and urban morphology

Kavan Javanroodi, Vahid Nik, Marco G. Giometto et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 829
Journal article

Climate resilient interconnected infrastructure: Co-optimization of energy systems and urban morphology

Amarasinghage Tharindu Dasun Perera, Kavan Javanroodi, Vahid Nik
Applied Energy. Vol. 285
Journal article

A multi-objective optimization framework for designing climate-resilient building forms in urban areas

Kavan Javanroodi, Vahid Nik, Bijan Adl-Zarrabi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (3)
Paper in proceeding

Optimization of building form and its fenestration in response to microclimate conditions of an urban area

Kavan Javanroodi, Vahid Nik, Yuchen Yang
E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 172
Paper in proceeding

Impact assessment of climate change on the energy performance of the building stocks in four European cities

Yuchen Yang, Kavan Javanroodi, Vahid Nik
E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 172
Paper in proceeding

Evaluating the impacts of urban form on the microclimate in the dense areas

Kavan Javanroodi, Vahid Nik
Building Simulation Conference Proceedings. Vol. 5, p. 3586-3593
Paper in proceeding

A novel design-based optimization framework for enhancing the energy efficiency of high-rise office buildings in urban areas

Kavan Javanroodi, Vahid Nik, Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad
Sustainable Cities and Society. Vol. 49
Journal article

Impacts of Microclimate Conditions on the Energy Performance of Buildings in Urban Areas

Kavan Javanroodi, Vahid Nik
Buildings. Vol. 9 (8)
Journal article

Impacts of urban morphology on reducing cooling load and increasing ventilation potential in hot-arid climate

Kavan Javanroodi, Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad, Vahid Nik
Applied Energy. Vol. 231, p. 714-746
Journal article

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